Analytical Chemistry and Mineral Processing Laboratory

Head of the Laboratory - PhD Asmat Shekiladze
7, E.Mindeli str., IV floor
Tel.: (+995 595) 512 229
Fax: (+995 32) 232 59 90
Analytical Chemistry and Mineral Processing Laboratory is a structural unit of the Institute within the Underground Structures Construction and Mining Technologies Center..
The Laboratory was established on the basis of the Minerals and Enrichment Laboratory, which was founded in 1957. From the moment of its creation till now the laboratory provides high quality service to the Georgian mining industry and geological services.
Analytical Lab is oriented towards high quality services in two directions:
- Chemical analysis of coal, ferrous, ferrous and noble metals ores, their enrichment products and geological exploration samples:
- Determination of harmful impurities in inert fillers;
- Determination of qualitative characteristics of pigments;
- Determination of aggressiveness of groundwater and rocks;
- Analysis of environmental samples (natural and wastewater, soils);
- Sieve and sedimentary analyzes.
The significant analytical results are achieved through permanent metrological control of laboratory equipment and systematic analysis of certified standard samples and gauges.
Analytical services are provided by both physical and classical wet chemical methods.
The Mineral Processing Laboratory performs research work in the field of ore technology testing, on the basis of which the economic potential of the ore is evaluated.
Testing is carried out by hydrometallurgical and combined methods of ore enrichment including electromagnetic and electrostatic separations.
The Laboratory practically combines two implicated laboratories - analytical chemistry and mineral processing, which carry out applied research in the following areas:
a) Analytical Chemistry:
- Chemical analysis of ores and products of their processing;
- Determination of harmful impurities in inert concrete fillers;
- Analysis of Ground Waters and Soils.
b) Mineral Processing:
- Technological testing of metallic and non-metalliferous minerals by mechanical (gravity, magnetic and electrostatic separation, flotation) and chemical (hydrometallurgical) enrichment methods to evaluate the economic potential of the ore;
- Improvement of existing technological processes of mineral processing;
- Environmental issues related to ore treatment (environmental audit, monitoring, development of mitigation measures, development of wastewater treatment methods).
Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry:
- Spectrophotometer DR 1900 (HACH-LANGE);
- Atomic Absorption Spectrometer AAnalyst 200 (Perkin Elmer);
- Photoelectric calorimeter;
- PH-meter (Hanna);
- PH-meter-potentiometer (Hanna);
- Analytical and counter balances (RADWAG) etc.
Spectrophotometer DR 1900 Atomic Absorption Spectrometer Photoelectric Calorimeter PH-meter (Hanna) HI 211 Micropro
(HACH-LANGE) AAnalyst 200 (Perkin Elmer) pH meter (Hanna)
Radwag Analytical balance Multi Rotator (Biosan) Orbital Shaker (Biosan) MRC Orbital Shaker
Laboratory of Mineral Processing:
- Microscope AmScope;
- Standard preparation of sample: dryer, crusher, sample devider, mill (Retsch);
- Standard sieves set;
- Device for technological testing of ore;
- Flotators;
- Electrostatic separator;
- Electromagnetic separator;
- Jigging machine;
- Washing table;
- Device for determination of cyanidable gold (BLEG test);
- Gold expendable core for percolating tests;
- Mixers for gold leaching;
- Heap leaching field of gold-containing ores;
- Overhead Stirrer Multi Mixer MM-1000 (Biosan).
Microscope AmScope Retsch Crusher Retsch mill Overhead Stirrer Multi Mixer
MM-1000 (Biosan)
- Consilting in mineral processing and using of mineral raw materials;
- Sampling and sample preparation;
- Analytical service;
- Technological testing of minerals (ores);
- Environmental service.