Analytical Chemistry and Mineral Processing Laboratory

Mamuka Bagnashvili
Senior Researcher, Chief Technologist
7, E. Mindeli Str.
Phone.:555 020989;
2005-2010 – Georgian Technical University, Mining and Geology Faculty, Specialty: Mining and mine surveying (Bachelor);
2010-2012 - Mining and Geo Engineering (Master);
2014-2017 – Georgian Technical University, Mining and Geology Faculty, Mineral enrichment direction (PhD)
Professional experience record:
2012 - up to date - G.Tsulukidze Mining Institute
Minerals enrichment, particularly: hydrometallurgical treatment of gold-containing quarzites - Processes theory and practice;
Technology for enrichment of gold polymetal, copper-sulphide, silver-baryte containing magnetite and coals and its theoretical aspects;
Technology for processing natural sorbents and pigmental raw materials;
Technology for purification of waste water.
Selected publications:
- Research on enrichment of glauconite sands of Gverki deposit. Mining Journal, N1(46), Tbilisi, 2023. pp.30-34 (Co-authors: A.Shekiladze, O.Kavtelashvili, I.Samkharadze, T.Shubitidze, G.Chqareuli);
- A study of glauconite containing sands of Gumbri deposit on the enrichment for obtaining concentrate. Mining Journal, N1(45), Tbilisi, 2022. pp.26-32 (Co-authors: A.Shekiladze, O.Kavtelashvili, I.Samkharadze, S.Maglakelidze);
- Investigation of gold type pigment raw material of Nagomari deposit on enrichability for obtaining a finished product. Mining Journal, N1(44), Tbilisi, 2021. pp.36-40 (Co-authors: A.Shekiladze, O.Kavtelashvili, I.Samkharadze, D.Mshvildadze, S.Maglakelidze);
- Testing new reagent-collector MD 20783 for flotation of silver-containing barite ore. Mining Journal, N1(40), Tbilisi, 2018. pp.51-54 (Co-authors: N.Shekriladze, A.Shekiladze, O.Kavtelashvili, A.Babakishvili);
- Investigation of David-Gareji Barite-Gold-polymetallic Deposit silver-barite ore on beneficiation ability. Mining Journal, N1(38), Tbilisi, 2017. pp.83-91 (Co-authors: N.Shekriladze, M.Chokhonelidze, D.Talakhadze, N.Adeishvili, O.Kavtelashvili);
- Investigation results of flotation beneficiation of David-Gareji deposit silver-barite ore. Mining Journal, N2(37), Tbilisi, 2016. pp.30-33
- Forms of existence of silver in David-Gareji silver-barite ores. Mining Journal, N1(36), Tbilisi, 2016. pp.117-120 (Co-authors: O.Kavtelashvili, N.Adeishvili, N.Maisuradze, A.Shekiladze, M.Chubunidze).
Participation in Scientific Grant Projects:
- YS-22-221 "Obtaining high quality concentrate of precious metals by flotation method of enrichment" (2003-2005) - Young Scientist -Donor Organization: Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (SRNSF);
- CARYS-19-2329 "Development of the innovative manufacturing technology for production of natural pigments on a base of local raw material and the outcomes commercialization" - Principal Investigator N. Chikhradze (2020-2021);
Participation in Scientific Forums (conferences):
- 2020 - 6th International Scientific-Practical Conference on Up-to-date Problems of Mining and Geology, 24-25 September, Tbilisi. "THE CURRENT STATE OF RESEARCH ON RESOURCE BASE OF NATURAL PIGMENTS OF GEORGIA";
2016 – The 3d Scientific Conference „Actual Problems of Mining and Geology“, LEPL G.Tsulukidze Mining Institute, December 9, Tbilisi - "Investigation of David-Gareji Barite-Gold-polymetallic Deposit silver-barite ore on beneficiation ability";
2016 – Georgian Technical University 84th Students Open International Scientific Conference - "Determination of flotation regime of of Davit-Gareji deposit's silver-containing barite ore";
2015 – The 2d Scientific Conference „Actual Problems of Mining and Geology“, LEPL G.Tsulukidze Mining Institute, December 11, Tbilisi - "Determination of Forms of existence of silver in David-Gareji deposit's silver-barite ores";
2015 – Georgian Technical University 83d Open International Scientific Conference - "Determination of material composition of David-Gareji deposit's silver-barite ores";
2010 - Georgian Technical University 78th Open International Scientific Conference, ”Some issue of improvement technology for enrichment of copper pyrite ores";
2009 - Georgian Technical University 78th Open International Scientific Conference, ”Improvement of Enrichment of Madneuli copper ores”;
2008 - Georgian Technical University 77th Scientific and Technical Conference, Determining the significance of the cylindrical Kiblical Transfer Module taking into account depreciation";
2007 - Georgian Technical University 76th Scientific and Technical Conference
Contract works:
Soil analysis: determination of organic carbon and exchange acidity;
Determination of harmful components in ground rocks;
Testing copper ore on enrichability;
Testing manganese ore on enrichability;
Determination of gold and copper in ore sample;
Testing polymetallic ores and quartzites on enrichability;
Technological testing gold-containing ore by cyanide leaching method -#13-18/09 -05.02.2013;