Analytical Chemistry and Mineral Processing Laboratory

Irma Samkharadze
Senior Researcher
7, E. Mindeli Str.
Phone.:593 243206
1980-1985 - Polytechnic Institute of Georgia (now Georgian Technical University) Mining Faculty, Mineral Processing Specialty
Professional experience record:
1986 - 1988 - Presidium of the Georgian Academy of Sciences - Inspector;
1988 - up to date - Mining Institute
Selected publications:
- Research on enrichment of glauconite sands of Gverki deposit. Mining Journal, N1(46), Tbilisi, 2023. pp.30-34 (Co-authors: A.Shekiladze, O.Kavtelashvili, M.Bagnashvili, I.Samkharadze, T.Shubitidze, G.Chqareuli);
- A study of glauconite containing sands of Gumbri deposit on the enrichment for obtaining concentrate. Mining Journal, N1(45), Tbilisi, 2022. pp.26-32 (Co-authors: A.Shekiladze, O.Kavtelashvili, M.Bagnashvili, S.Maglakelidze);
- Investigation of the crushing process of polymetallic ores for automatic control. Mining Journal, N1(34), Tbilisi, 2021. pp.40-45 (Co-authors: M.Gamtsemlidze, R.Enageli, D.Talakhadze, A.Shekiladze, M.Tutberidze);
- Investigation of gold type pigment raw material of Nagomari deposit on enrichability for obtaining a finished product. Mining Journal, N1(44), Tbilisi, 2021. pp.36-40 (Co-authors: A.Shekiladze, O.Kavtelashvili, M.Bagnashvili, D.Mshvildadze, S.Maglakelidze);
- Initial assessment of characteristics of gold leaching from mineralization technological samples of BneliKhevi gold-containing deposet ("Botle Test"); Mining Journal, N1(42), Tbilisi, 2019. pp.74-77;
- Technological evaluation of leaching Bneli-Khevi oxidized ores ("Column" tests). Mining Journal, N1(40), Tbilisi, 2018. pp.54-61 (Co-authors: N.Shekriladze, N.Adeishvili, N.Maisuradze, G.Chkareuli);
- Anti-Grisonity properties of safety explosives. Mining Journal, N2(35), Tbilisi, 2015. pp.64-67 (Co-authors: Z.Kuchukhidze, A.Apriashvili, G.Bakhutashvili, G.Shatberashvili, G.Tkhelidze);
- A Method for heavy-media process control in hydrocyclones. Mining Journal, №1(22), Tbilisi, 2009. pp. 31-37 (Co-authors: M.Gamtsemlidze, M.Tutberidze, G.Chqareuli).