Research Center of Engineering Developments and Design

Elguja Medzmariashvili
Chief Researcher
7, E. Mindeli Str.
Phone.:599 516579
1964-1969 - Polytechnic Institute of Georgia (now Georgian Technical University)
Doctor of Military Science, Doctor of Technical Sciences
Academician of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Professor, Major GeneralProfessional experience record:
- Since 1973 to present he has been working in Georgian Technical University. He was a head of the Civil Engineering Constructions Department in 1985-1995, and then, in 1995-2004, the head of the special constructions department founded by himself. Currently he is a full professor in the Georgian Technical University;
- In 1979 he established the Georgian Institute of Space Constructions whereat he holds the post of the general constructor and general director;
- In 1978-1989, being the chief of Tbilisi branch of the Moscow Central Scientific-industrial Corporation KOMETA and general constructor of its military space technology, Elguja Medzmariashvili, due to the state commission decision and for coping with a special task, was cooperating with the scientific technical committee of the engineer corps of the Ministry of Defense, facultyies of the general staff and military engineering academy, Korolev Rocket Space Corporation ENERGY, Khrunichev Rocket Building Factory, Moscow mechanics problems and aviation institutes as well as special scientific institutions, universities and institutes in Dnepropetrocsk, Siktivkar, Dubna, Nakhabino, Podlipsk, Kharkov and other cities;
- Since 1995 to present, being the research manager and direct member of the working group, he has been fulfilling the orders of the German company “Daimler-Benz Aerospace” - “Dornier-Satelliten systeme, Italian company Alenia Aerospazio, Munich technical University Institute of lightweight Constructions (LLB, Technische Universitat Munchen) and European Space Agency (ESA);
- In 1999-2002 he was an adviser to the defense minister of Georgia in the field of engineering support of troops;
- In 1999-2004 he was elected member of the Georgian parliament;
- In 2000 he established the military Engineering Academy of the general staff of the Georgian armed forces, where he held the post of the academy President;
- In 2006, in result of reorganization of the Georgian Space Constructions Institute and Military Engineering Academy of general staff of Georgian armed forces, the Institute of Constructions, Special Systems and Engineering Maintenance of Georgian Technical University was established on his own initiative, where Elguja Medzmariashvili is still holding the posts of the general constructor and president of the scientific council;
- 2013 up to date - Mining Institute
- Space Technology and Mechanics;
- Military engineering sciences;
- Military technological sciences
Selected publications:
The author of more than 260 publications (in Georgian, Russian, German and English), including 8 monographs and course books for higher education institutions, more then 100 inventions.
“Analisis of Geodynamic Processes Developed in Georgia”. Earth and Environmental Science. Prague (Czech Republic) 2019 (Co-authors: S. Khomeriki, G. Shatberashvili, N. Chikhradze, Z. Laoshvili, D. Khomeriki, A. Khvadagiani, T. Qiqava, E. Mataradze);
- Modeling and analysis of space reflector antenna taking into conisderation extreme remperature of environment and other impacts. Proceedings - 3rd International Conference "Advanced Lightweight Structures and Reflector antennas", 19-21 sept. 2018, Tbilisi, Georgia. pp. 213-220, ISBN978-9941-8-0511-0 (Co-authors: D.Pataraia, G.Nozadze, R.Maisuradze, G.Baliashvili, K.Chkhikvadze, E.Tsotseria, G.Purtseladze)
- V-fold bar deploybale ring with deployable bearing ring. Engineering - System Science. Research Paper, 2013;
- Novel approach to indirect actions of military theory. Sociology - War and Peace, Military. Textbook, 2009;
- New variant of the deployable ring-shaped space antenna reflector. Space Communications 22(1): pp. 41-48, 2009 (Co-authors: Sh.Tserodze, V.Gogilashvili, A.Sarchimelia, K.Chkhikvadze, N.Siradze, N.Tsignadze, M.Sanikidze, M.Nikoladze, G.Datunashvili)
Inventions and patents:
- Mecanical Support Ring Structure. Pub. No.:WO/2013/135298. International Application No: PCT/EP2012/054618. Publication Date: 19.09.2013 (Co-authors: Sh.Tserodze, N.Tsignadze, L.Datashvili, SANTIAGO PROWALD, Julian B.);
- Deployable space reflector antenna. Patent Number: AU2002304354; Filing Date: 2002-06-12. (in Australia).
Participation in Scientific Forums (conferences):
- 3rd International Conference "Advanced Lightweight Structures and Reflector antennas", 19-21 sept. 2018, Tbilisi, Georgia;
- Erection cycle of deployable space reflectors using the functional and technological screen mesh. International Scientific conference - Advanced Lightweight Structures and Reflector Antennas 1-3 October, 2014, Tbilisi, Georgia;
- New constructions of lightweight deployable reflectors. Proceedings of 2 nd International Scientific Conference “Advanced Lightweight Structures And Reflector Antennas”. 1-3 October, 2014 Tbilisi, Georgia, p. 21-28;
- Conical v-fold bar ring with flexible pre-stressed center. Proceedings of 2 nd International Scientific Conference “Advanced Lightweight Structures And Reflector Antennas”. 1-3 October, 2014 Tbilisi, Georgia;
- Dimensional stability and shape-accuracy of shell-membrane reflecting surfaces made of fibre-reinforced elastomers. Advanced Lightweight Structures And Reflector Antennas”. 1-3 October, 2014 Tbilisi, Georgia;
- Design and calculation of the surface of space parabolic antenna on the basis of discrete conception. Advanced Lightweight Structures And Reflector Antennas”. 1-3 October, 2014 Tbilisi, Georgia.
Additional information:
The General Constructor of the First Georgian Space Object.
- Notable awards:
- Vakhtang Gorgassali I degree Order (for developing space and military engineering technologies in Georgia and designing the first Georgian space satellite system);
- Order of Honor – for creating terrestrial test bench complex for space systems in Georgia and for saving and retaining thereof under extreme conditions;
- Georgia State Prize laureate medal (achievements in space mechanics);
- Medal for “Service in Battle” (Georgia);
- Medals of 9 local and international organizations.