Underground Structures Construction Laboratory

Head of the Laboratory - Academician, Dr. of Tech. Sc., Prof. Levan Japaridze
Underground Structures Construction Laboratory is a structural unit of the Underground Structures Construction and Mining Technologies Center.
- Development of calculation methods of static, rheological/flow and dynamic loads of mine workings and underground structures, their computer programs and technical guidelines; application of those in specific projects;
- Study of the stressed-strained state of the rock mass around mine workings and underground structures and improvement of its assessment methods;
- Improvement of construction and reconstruction of mining, transport, hydroengineering and other structures, development of technologies for sound and economical driving of tunnels and support structures;
- Calculation and design of engineering-geotechnical systems for the assessment of the resistance of natural, artificial and man-made slopes to landslides and for its enforcement.
- The methods and computer programs for calculation of underground structure on the limiting conditions;
- The computing methods of geotechnical design for landslide sustainability assessment and its maintenance.