COST International Conference on Advanced Composites under High Strain Rates Loading: A Route to Certification-by-Analysis

On June 5-6, 2024, the International Conference on Advanced Composites under High Strain Rates Loading: A Route to Certification-by-Analysis (HISTRATE Conference 2024) was held at the Technical Campus of Sabancı University in Istanbul, Turkey, under the program of the same name (CA21155 - Advanced Composites under HIgh STRAin raTEs loading: a route to certification-by-analysis (HISTRATE)).
On behalf of the LEPL G.Tsulukidze Mining Institute, the Director, Professor Nikoloz Chikhradze (title of the presentation: Experimental Study of the Explosion Resistant Ability of Low Carbon Steel PLates with Intermediate Aluminium Sheet Layers) and the Researcher of the Laboratory of Polymer Composites and High-tech Materials Aleksandre Vanishvili (title of the presentation: Development of basalt based Fiber-Metal Laminate with advanced mechanical properties) participated in the conference.
See conference program: HISTRATE Conference 2024 – Programme – HISTRATE – COST Action CA21155