Hybrid Composites Research Laboratory

Svetlana Steriakova
7, E. Mindeli Str.
Phone.:599 360567; +(995 32) 2321978
1981 - 1987 - Polytechnic Institute of Georgia (now Georgian Technical University)
Professional experience record:
1981 - up to date - G.Tsulukidze Mining Institute
Selected publications:
- New device for anodic protection against electrochemical corrosion. Mining Journal, N1(46), Tbilisi, 2023. pp. 105-106 (co-authors: L.Leluashvili, G.Leluashvili);
- Anode earthing device for cathodic protection. Mining Journal, N1(45), Tbilisi, 2022. pp.67-70 (Co-authors: L.Leluashvili, G. Leluashvili, T.Rigishvili);
- Electrochemical protection of underground metal reservoirs from corrosion. Mining Journal, N1(45), Tbilisi, 2022. pp.63-67 (Co-authors: L.Leluashvili, G. Leluashvili);
- Method for measuring the volume of the hydroair flow interruption zone during hydraulic impact in the pressure pipeline of the hydraulic transport system. "Mining Journal" N1(45), Tbilisi, 2022. pp:36-40 (Co-authors: L.Makharadze, A.Sharikadze);
- Tensoelectric manometer in pressurized hydraulic transporting systems to measure pressures. "Mining Journal" N1(45), Tbilisi, 2022. pp:32-36 (Co-authors: L.Makharadze, I.Gavasheli);
- Obtaining polymer matrix to create biodegradable composites. "Mining Journal" N1(44), Tbilisi, 2021. pp:90-94 (Co-authors: S.Kvinikadze, L.Kirtadze, A.Vanishvili, D.Tsverava, G.Abashidze);
- Anode Earther working oxidizing and reducing mode. Mining Journal, N1(44), Tbilisi, 2021. pp.74-77 (Co-authors: L.Leluashvili, T.Rigishvili, G.Leluashvili);
- Technological scheme of intermediate pumping station of a multi-step main hydrotransport system. Mining Journal, N1(44), Tbilisi, 2021. pp.45-49 (Co-authors: L.Makharadze, Sh.Naskidashvili);
- Condensing anodic grounding of cathodic protection. Mining Journal, N1(43), Tbilisi, 2020. pp.60-65 (Co-authors: L.Leluashvili, T.Rigishvili, G.Leluashvili);
- Development of activities of gravity hydraulic feed and regulation of cementation reactors for extraction of copper from acid water of JSC "Madneuli" career and dump pallet. Mining Journal, N1(43), Tbilisi, 2020. pp.34-41 (Co-authors: M.Jangidze, V.Silagadze);
- Technological scheme of the head pumping station for preparation of hydro air-fuel mixtures and transportation through the pressure main pipeline. Mining Journal, N1(42), Tbilisi, 2019. pp.77-82 (Co-authors: L.Makharadze, Sh.Naskidashvili);
- Establishment of regime and technological parameters of hydrotransport system supplying the mill tailings caused by increase of recycling volumes of chalcopyrite ores of JSC "Madneuli"; Mining Journal, N2(41), Tbilisi, 2018. pp.38-46 (Co-authors: V.Silagadze, L.Makharadze, M.Jangidze);
- About specifics of hydraulic calculation of the distributive pipeline of the alluvium of tailings dams and dams. Mining Journal, N1(40), Tbilisi, 2018. pp.33-43 (Co-authors: V.Silagadze, L.Makharadze, M.Jangidze);
- The analyses of hydrodynamic processes impact on main pipeline connection points. Mining Journal, N2(39), Tbilisi, 2017. pp.36-45 (Co-authors:L.Makharadze);
- The impact of pressure pipeline system pressure pulsations in main pipeline on system durability and effectiveness. Mining Journal, N1(38), Tbilisi, 2017. pp.91-95 (Co-authors: L.Makharadze, V.Silagadze, M.Jangidze);
- Water supply from subsurface (Ground) water for objects located on temporary dislocation places in field conditions. Mining Journal, N2(37), Tbilisi, 2016. pp.39-44 (Co-authors: V.Silagadze, L. Makharadze, M.Jangidze);
- Impulse-magnetic treatment of mining machine details for the purpose of their strengthening. Mining Journal, N2(37), Tbilisi, 2016. pp.49-53 (Co-authors: L.Makharadze, Gavasheli, K.Pervov);
- Main aspects of water supply temporary dislocation places. Mining Journal, N1(36), Tbilisi, 2016. pp.56-60 (Co-authors: V.Silagadze, L.Makharadze, M.Jangidze);
- Improved hydraulic circuit cleaning from solid residues adjacent to the drainage sump area dressing plant JSC "Madneuli". Mining Journal, N2(35), Tbilisi, 2015. pp.35-40 (Co-authors: V.Silagadze, M.Jangidze);
- The results and analyses of the experimental research of mechanical-pneumatic dampers effectiveness for pressure hydro transport systems safe exploitation. Mining Journal, N1(34), Tbilisi, 2015. pp.50-54 (Co-authors:L.Makharadze, L.Gavasheli, V.Gelashvili);
- Generalized calculation algorithm of mechanical-pneumatic dampers for safe exploitation of pressure hydro transport systems. Mining Journal, N1(30), Tbilisi, 2013. pp.63-65 (Co-authors: L.Makharadze, L.Gavasheli);
- Diagnostics and Technique for the Analysis Pipelines Transportation– collection of scientific works: "ecology and nature management", issue 15, Dnipropetrovsk, 2012. pp.45-49 (Co-authors: L.Makharadze, L.Gavasheli);
- Calculated dependence of main parameters of hydro transport systems operating under natural pressure and techno-economic indicators. Mining Journal, N1(26), Tbilisi, 2011. pp.77-80 (co-authors: V.Silagadze, M.Jangidze);
- A facility of compensation of temperature longitudinal deformations of pipelines and the cross-oscillations which are caused by dynamic processes. Journal: L.P.P.L. Grigol Tsulukidze Mining Institute, Works, 2010. pp. 56-59 (co-authors: L.Makharadze, V.Silagadze, M.Jangidze);
- Complex indicator of efficiency and reliability of multistage hydro transport system. Transactions. Applied Mechanics. Georgian Technical University, 2010. pp:160-165. (Co-author: L.Makharadze);
- About the sectioning of the conduits of main hydraulic conveying systems for the purpose of averting the onset of sharp oscillations of the pressure. ”Mining Journal”, №1(22), Tbilisi, 2009. pp. 42-47(co-authors: L.Makharadze, A.Shariqadze);
- Ways of Increasing Efficiency of Pipeline Hydro transport for Minerals and Wastes. Proceedings of the 11th «International Mineral Processing Symposium». 21-23 October 2008, Belek-Antalya, Turkey. pp.1155-1159. (co-authors: A.Sharikadze, L.Makharadze);
- Pipelines and pipeline armature for the systems of hydrotransportation of solid loose materials. "Mining Journal", №2 (15), Tbilisi, 2005. pp.36-42. (co-authors: G.Ninidze, L.Makharadze);
- Atmospheric air-effective means of regulation of the operating mode of centrifugal pumps and clearing of sharp fluctuations of pressure in pressure head pipelines. ”Mining journal”, №1 (14), Tbilisi, 2005. pp.42-47. (co-authors: L.Makharadze, A.Shariqadze);
- Mathematical model of the system "plasma arc-inductive-volumetric voltage-current source converter".”Mining journal”, №1(12), Tbilisi, 2004. pp.24-26 (co-authors: L.Makharadze, M.Gelenidze, V.Silagadze, M.Jangidze, G.Gelenidze);
- A mobile station for plasma cutting and electric arc welding field conditions. "Mining Journal", 2(9), Tbilisi, 2002. pp. 97-98 (co-authors: M.Gelenidze, G.Shvangiradze, D.Gelenidze).
Participation in Scientific Forums (conferences):
- 6th International Scientific-Practical Conference on Up-to-date Problems of Mining and Geology, Tbilisi, 24-25 September, 2020. "MAIN PIPELINE HYDRO-TRANSPORT SYSTEM FOR TRANSPORTATION OF SOLID LOOSE FOSSILS AT LONG DISTANCES";
Additional information:
Technical editor of Mining Journal