Mining Laboratory

Teimuraz Pirtskhalava
7, E. Mindeli Str.
Phone.:+(995 32) 2637325
1966-1971 - Polytechnic Institute of Georgia (now Georgian Technical University), Mining Engineer
Professional experience record:
1971 - up to date - G.Tsulukidze Mining Institute
- Investigation of mining methods;
- Determination of stability of open-pit slopes (industrial explosions generated) taking into account the static and dynamic seismic loads.
Selected publications:
- Calculation of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere of multilevel underground car parks. Mining Journal, N1(46), Tbilisi, 2023. pp.109-113;
- Analysis of pollution by hazardous substances of the atmosphere of a pare during mass explosions. Mining Journal, N1(45), Tbilisi, 2022. pp.94-99;
- Suppressing dust generazed into the atmosphere of the pit with the help of sprayed water. Mining Journal, N1(43), Tbilisi, 2021. pp.16-21;
- Calculation of emission of dust at work of career motor transport. Mining Journal, N1(43), Tbilisi, 2020. pp.65-70;
- On trends in the world coal mining and safety in mines. Mining Journal, N1(42), Tbilisi, 2019. pp.122-126 (co-author: N.Bochorishvili);
- Analysis of atmosphere pollution by emergency emissions of machones of the technological complex of careers. Mining Journal, N1(42), Tbilisi, 2019. pp. 149-150;
- Calculation of slope stability taking into account the influence of hydrostatic pressure filtration of the groundwater flow. Mining Journal, N2(41), Tbilisi, 2018. pp. 28-31;
- About construction of basic railway tunnels. Mining Journal, N2(41), Tbilisi, 2018. pp. 73-77;
- Prospective technological scheme development of powerful coal seams Tkibuli-Shaori deposit. Mining Journal, N2(39), Tbilisi, 2017. pp. 25-28;
- About possibility of modern technologies application on Tkibuli-Shaori deposit. “Science and Technologies”, N1(724), Tbilisi, 2017. pp.76-85 (co-author L.Japaridze);
- Flowsheet of development of powerful coal beds with producing of subroofing coal layer. Mining Journal, N1(38), Tbilisi, 2017. pp. 71-75;
- On the protection of the environment in the field andesite of Bakuriani. Mining Journal, N1(38), Tbilisi, 2017. pp.226-230 (Co-author N. Bochorishvili);
- On mining technologies without coal pillars by the protect development workings. “Science and Technologies”, N2(722, Tbilisi, 2016. pp.83-89 (co-authors: L.Japaridze, T.Gobejishvili);
- Studying corrosive effects of drilling fluids during drilling operations. Mining Journal, N1(36), Tbilisi, 2016. pp.72-77 (co-authors: A.Peikrishvili, M.Tsiklauri, B.Godibadze, A.Dgebuadze);
- Prospective technological scheme development of powerful coal seams Tkibuli-Shaori deposit. Mining Journal, N2(37), Tbilisi, 2016. pp.27-30;
- The question increase of operational properties cutting tools of mining machines. Mining Journal, N1(36), Tbilisi, 2016. pp.77-87 (co-author A.Peikrishvili, M.Tsiklauri, B.Godibadze, A.Dgebuadze);
- About possibility of application of anchor fastening in preparatory making of coal mines of Tkibuli. Mining Journal, N1(36), Tbilisi, 2016. pp.41-44 (co-author L.Japaridze);
- On the calculation of slope stability circular cylindrical sliding surface. Mining Journal, N2(35), Tbilisi, 2015. pp.22-25;
- On the application of a retaining sheet pile as the boundary of the array mounting recesses soil slopes. Mining Journal, N1(34), Tbilisi, 2015. pp.22-25;
- On the technology attach derailed pit slopes tilt ground anchors. Mining Journal, N2(33), Tbilisi, 2014. pp.22-25;
- Determination of seismic load in calculating slope stability recesses. Mining Journal, N2(33), Tbilisi, 2014. pp.25-31(Co-author: N.Kukuladze);
- Calculation on the stability of slopes with recard to seismic impact. Mining Journal, N1(32), Tbilisi, 2014, pp.50–57;
- Application of povder metallurgy in mining industry. “Science and Technologies”, N2(716), Tbilisi, 2014. pp.71-76 (co-authors: E.Chagelishvili, A.Peikrishvili, M.Tsiklauri, B.Godibadze, A.Dgebuadze);
- On the determination of the optimal length of Lava for the development of deposit Tkibuli-Shaori. Mining Journal, N2(31), Tbilisi, 2013, pp.15-17;
- Application of technology “Slurry Wall” at underground construction. Mining Journal, N2(31), Tbilisi, 2013, pp.25-29 (co-author: L.Japaridze, N.Kukuladze);
- Concerning of cutting inserts to reinforce tools of mining machines. Mining Journal, N1(30), Tbilisi, 2013. pp.72-75 (co-authors: E.Chagelishvili, A.Peikrishvili, M.Tsiklauri);
- Concerning of explosive consolidation of powders. Mining Journal, N1(30), Tbilisi, 2013. pp.50-56 (co-authors: E.Chagelishvili, A.Peikrishvili, M.Tsiklauri, B.Godibadze, A.Dgebuadze);
- About daily per load high wall mining Tkibuli-Shaori coal deposit. Mining Journal, N1(30), Tbilisi, 2013. pp.7-14. (co-authors: N.Kukuladze, M.Basiladze)
- Mining and specifications mechanized technologies disturbed development of coal seams Tkibuli-Shaori deposit. Mining Journal, N1(28), Tbilisi, 2012. pp.43-46 (co-authors: Z.Gordeziani, N.Kukuladze, M.Basiladze);
- On determining the design of power mines. Mining Journal, N1(28), Tbilisi, 2012. pp.46-49;
- The question of calculation slope stability"- Mining Journal, N2(29), Tbilisi, 2012. pp.9-11 (co-author: N.Kukuladze);
- Optimum technological parameters development brachysynklinal form occurrence of coal mining on the example Tkibuli-Shaori deposit. Mining Journal, N1(26), Tbilisi, 2011. pp.39-43 (co-author: I.Rekhviashvili);
- Georgia's energy problems and possibilities of optimal solution. Mining Journal, N2(25), 2010. pp:81-83 (co-authors: I.Rekhviashvili, R.Arveladze, Z.Gordeziani, M.Basiladze, G.Sologashvili, S.Makharadze);
- Conditions of maintenance of profitability of operation Tkibuli-Shaori deposits. Mining Journal, N2(25), 2010. pp:19-25 (co-authors: I.Rekhviashvili, Z.Gordeziani, M.Basiladze, S.Makharadze);
- The feasibility of the use of powered complexes in Tkibuli Mines. Mining Journal, N2(23), 2009. pp:27-30 (co-author: I.Rekhviashvili, M.Basiladze);
- On the assessment manufacturability of mining and geological conditions of coal deposits. "Mining Journal", N1(22), 2009. pp.60-63 (co-author: I.Rekhviashvili);
- About the schemes of development of Tkibuli-Shaori coal deposits. ”Mining Journal”, N1-2(18-19), 2007. pp.5-11 (co-author: M.Basiladze);
- The method of precision calculation air delivery of the employment ventilation system with variable air volume in the underground parking. ”Science and Technologies”, N 709, Tbilisi, 2007. pp.47-50;
- About the dispersion of the haust gases of the underground parking ventilation system. ”Science and Technologies”, N4-6, Tbilisi, 2006. pp.109-113;
- On the sanitary limits of these amount contaminant pollutant’s exhaust gases of the road tunnels. ”Science and Technologies”, N 1-3, Tbilisi, 2005. pp.60-64;
- The precision method of values calculation of CO and NOx emission taking into account the car transportation regime within underground parking. ”Science and Technologies”, N 10-12, Tbilisi, 2004. pp.63-67;
- The method of precision calculation air delivery for ventilation of underground garages. ”Science and Technologies”, N 7-9, Tbilisi, 2004. pp.102-104;
- The determination of net pressure for blower of underground parking with the combination compression natural draught. ”Science and Technologies”, N 4-6, Tbilisi, 2004. pp.98-102;
- About the air absorption cleaning of the underground constructions from the Nitrous Oxide. “Science and Technologies”, N 1-3, Tbilisi, 2004. pp.97-100. (co-author: O.Lanchava);
- On determination of design values of gas loading in underground parking areas. “Mining Journal”, N1(12), Tbilisi, 2004. pp.36-38;
- Perfection of calculation on air delivery for ventilation of underground parking. “Science and Technologies”, N10-12, Tbilisi, 2003. pp.63-66.
On ventilation of vehicle service underground spaces. “Mining Journal”, N1-2(10-11), Tbilisi, 2003. pp.44-46; - About calculation of the temperature regime of hydro mixture in the pipelines. “Science and Technologies”, N 1-3, Tbilisi, 2003. pp.33-36;
- Predetermination of air exchange calculation in vehicular traffic tunnels of Georgia. Transactions of Mining and Geology Section of International Sc. And Enj.Conf. “New Technologies and Georgia”, Tbilisi, 2002. pp.105-107;
- About natural distribution air and pressure in Rikoty road tunnel’s during the conducting of vertical well. “Science and Technologies”, N 7-9, Tbilisi, 2002. pp.92-95;
- On cleaning of road tunnels from air retort of nitric and carbon oxides. “Mining Journal”, N2(9), Tbilisi, 2002. pp.85-87;
- Researches in the area of mine fans and mining aero logy. “Mining Journal”, N2(9), Tbilisi, 2002. pp.61-62. (co-authors: L.Makharadze, T.Machavariani);
- About the ventilation of road tunnels of Georgia by fire. “Science and Technologies”, N 4-6, Tbilisi, 2002. pp.72-76;
- To questions of the employment ventilation system with variable air volume in the road tunnels of Georgia. “Science and Technologies”, N 1-3, Tbilisi, 2002. pp.82-85;
- On determination of carbon and nitric oxides exhaust in the road tunnels of Georgia. “Mining Journal”, N1(8), Tbilisi, 2002. pp.50-52;
- About the aerothermodynamics parameters of Rikoty road tunnel by fire. “Science and Technologies”, N10-12, Tbilisi, 2001. pp.40-42;
- About natural draught in Rikoty road tunnel. “Science and Technologies”, N7-9, Tbilisi, 2001. pp.77-78;
- On the necessity of artificial airing in short road tunnels. Georgian Technical University, Transactions of the GTU, N6(439), Tbilisi, 2001. pp.39-41 (co-authors: T.Machavariani, S.Macharashvili);
- About normalization Rikoty road tunnels gases regime. “Science and Technologies”, N4-6, Tbilisi, 2001. pp.79-80 (co-authors: T.Machavariani);
- The method of neutralization of Nitric Oxides in tunnels on the roads of Georgia. Monthly scientific magazine of Georgian academy of sciences “Science and Technologies”, Tbilisi, N1-3, 2001. pp.43-45. (co-authors: T.Machavariani, S.Macharashvili);
- The problems of underground constructions ventilation of Georgia and ways of their solution. “Mining Journal”, N1, Tbilisi, 1998. pp.42-43 (co-authors: T.Machavariani, S.Macharashvili);
- Evolution of the average weighted temperature of the extracted coal seam. Soviet Mining Science USSR, v.18,New York, Plenum Publ. Corp, 1982. pp.537;
- Selection of the optimum parameters according to the thermal conditions of stopping thick coal layers. Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, v.104, N1, Tbilisi, 1981. pp.121-124;
- The influence of the thickness of the extracted coal layer and the interlayer cover on the temperature field of the newly exposed surface of the drift heat exchange. Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, V.109, N1, Tbilisi, 1981. pp.117-120;
- The influence of the temperature disturbance caused by the thermal effect of the packing mass on the temperature field dynamics of the surface of the heat emission of excavation. Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, V.90, N3, Tbilisi, 1978. pp. 637-640;
- The temperature field of the rock mass of the excavation in layer stopping and filling of the worked space by hardening materials. Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, V.88, #2, Tbilisi, 1977. pp. 153-156;
- Thermophysical properties of crused stowing materials and hardened stowing. Soviet Mining Science USSR, New York, Plenum Publ.Carp, 1977. V13, p.423 (co-authors: Sh.Oniani, Z.Lebanidze).
Participation in Scientific Grant Projects:
1. STCU/DOE №P506 - "Development of Novel Multilayer Cylindrical Container for Storage Nuclear Waste and Nuclear Fuel” - Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) - Participant - 2013-2015;
2. SRNSF № 1–7/61 - "Elaboration of intensive model for assimilation of Tkibuli-Shaori coal deposit and on this basis on Tkibuli coal resources the determination of optimal parameters of modern complex: “Mine-thermal power station” and advisability of complex economic efficiency for providing Georgia power safety" - main researcher - 2010-2012.