Explosives Research and Blasting Technologies Laboratory

Merab Nadirashvili
Senior Researcher
7, E. Mindeli Str.
Phone.:2 321985; 599 464591
1968-1973 – Tbilisi State University, Chemical faculty
Trainings (Workshops):
- 26.08.2019 - 6.09.2019 - Certificate: “Quick Propellant Assessment Kit Course & High Performance Liquid Chromatography Course”, Tbilisi, Georgia – Ministry of Defence Republic of Georgia & Ministry of Defence Republic Of Austria
Professional experience record:
2016 up tu date - Mining Institute
Selected publications:
- Synthesis of сt compounds, process mechanism and application perspective. Mining Journal, N1(46), Tbilisi, 2023. pp.52-57 (Co-authors: N.Abesadze, N.Gudushauri);
- Investigation of the stress-strain state of the explosion chamber - using computer mathematics systems. Mining Journal, N1(46), Tbilisi, 2023. pp.47-52 (Co-authors: I.Varshanidze, R.Samadashvili, G. Javakhishvili, M.Nadirashvili, N.Gudushauri);
- The importance of chemistry in military affairs. Mining Journal", N1(45), Tbilisi, 2022. pp. 58-63. (co-author: N.Abesadze);
- Novelty in the method of Picric acid synthesis. Mining Journal", N1(44), Tbilisi, 2021. pp. 62-68. (co-authors: T.Iashvili, G.Tkhelidze, G.Beinashvili, N.Abesadze);
- Mechanism of explosive processes. "Mining Journal", N1(43), Tbilisi, 2020. pp. 41-46. (co-authors: I.Varshanidze, T.Iashvili, G.Beinashvili);
- The Synthesis of Phenyl Acetylene Phenols for Development of New Explosives. World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2017), IOP Publishing (Co-authors: N.Chikhradze, S.Khomeriki, I.Varshanidze);
- The role of endogenous oxygen in explosives. "Mining Journal", N2(39), Tbilisi, 2017. pp. 58-61. (co-authors: S.Khomeriki, N.Chikhradze, A.Khvadagiani, G.Bakhutashvili, I.Varshanidze);
- Synthesis of silicon –containing alkynylphenols Ninth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Abstracts of Papers, DIJON,FRANCE –September 3-7,1979, A 61;
- Hydrometallation of unsaturated silanes Ninth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Abstracts of Papers, DIJON,FRANCE –September 3-7,1979, A 62 (Co-authors: A. Kakhniasvili, D.Ioramashvili);
- Synthesis and transformacions of organogermanium and organosilikon unsaturated phenols -VIIIth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, JAPAN. Kyoto, 1977, Abstr., 5 A12 (Co-authors: A. Kakhniasvili, D.Ioramashvili);
Participation in Scientific Forums (conferences):
- 6th International Scientific-Practical Conference on Up-to-date Problems of Mining and Geology, 24-25 september, Tbilisi, 2020. 1. "SYNTHESIS AND RESEARCH OF “MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS’’ FROM SOME EXPLOSIVES"; 2. "THE RESEARCH OF CHEMICAL STRUCTURE OF EXPLOSIVE – METHYLPICRATE BY COUNTER SYNTHESIS";
- „The Synthesis of Phenyl Acetylene Phenols to Develop New Explosives”, World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium WMESS, 11-15 September, 2017, Prague (Czech Republic);
- Hydrometallation of unsaturated silanes, Ninth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Abstracts of Papers, DIJON,FRANCE –September 3-7,1979, A 62;
- Synthesis of silicon – containing alkynylphenols, Ninth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Abstracts of Papers, DIJON, FRANCE – September 3-7,1979, A 61;
- “Synthesis and transformations of organ germanium and organosilikon unsaturated phenols”-VIIIth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, JAPAN. Kyoto, 1977, Abstr., 5 A12;