Explosives Research and Blasting Technologies Laboratory

Edgar Mataradze
Head of Laboratory, Chief Researcher
7, E. Mindeli Str.
Fax:(+995 32) 232 59 90
Phone.:(+995 32) 232 16 88; 599 117748
1956-1962 - Polytechnic Institute of Georgia (now Georgian Technical University), Mining Engineer;
1966-1970 - Institute of the Earth Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Postgraduate;
1970 - Candidate of Technical Sciences
Professional experience record:
1962 up to date - G.Tsulukidze Mining Institute;
1972-1991 - Member of the Editorial Board of journal "Manganum";
1996-up to date - Member of the Board of Supervisors of the Joint-Stock Company "Chiaturmanganum";
1998-up to date - Member of the Editorial Board of the "Mining Journal", Georgia;
2000-up to date - Chairman of the Board of Association of Small Mining Enterprises of Georgia
- Explosion effect and physical security;
- Dynamic loading on structures;
- Systems for Protecting tunnels from effect of accidental and terrorist explosions;
- Improvement of methods for underground mining
Selected publications:
- Perfection of methods for protecting from accidental and terrorist explosions. Mining Journal, №1(44), Tbilisi, 2021. pp. 49-56 (co-authors: M.Chikhradze, N.Bochorishvili, I.Akhvlediani, K.Tavlalashvili, D.Tatishvili, Z.Malvenishvili);
- “Experimental Study of the Shock Wave Attenuation in the Water Mist with Air Gaps”. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 609. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/609/1/012099 IOP Publishing, 2020 (Co-authors: M.Chikhradze, K. Tavlalashvili, I. Akhvlediani, N. Bochorishvili, D. Tatishvili, Z. Malvenishvili);
- “Multifunctional device for explosion detection”. Earth and Environmental Science. Prague (Czech Republic), 2019 (Co-authors: D. Khomeriki, N. Chikhradze, M. Chikhrdaze, K. Tavlalishvili, S. Marjanishvili);
- "Wireless device for the detection of exsplosions and activation of shock wave absorber", Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, April 2019, Vol. 18, No. 4. (Co-authors: D.Khomeriki, S.Khomeriki, N. Chikhradze, M.Chikhrdaze, K.Tavlalishvili, S.Marjanishvili);
- “Analisis of Geodynamic Processes Developed in Georgia”. Earth and Environmental Science. Prague (Czech Republic) 2019 (Co-authors: E. Medzmariashvili, S. Khomeriki, G. Shatberashvili, N. Chikhradze, Z. Laoshvili, D. Khomeriki, A. Khvadagiani, T. Qiqava);
- “Mitigation effects a water barrier on dynamic loads on the humanbody at explosions”. IOP Conference Series. Earth and Environmental Sciences 2019, Prague (Czech Republic). (Co-authors: N.Bochorishvili, N. Chikhradze, K. Tavlalishvili, M. Chikhradze, I. Akhvlediani);
- “Exsplosion suppression in limited spaces”. IOP Conference Series. Earth and Environmental Sciences 2019, Prague (Czech Republic). (Co-authors: I. Akhvlediani, N. Chikhradze, K. Tavlalishvili, M. Chikhradze, N. Bochorishvili);
- The ipmact of water mist thickness on shock wave attenuation. World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS), 03-07 September, 2018. Prague, Czech Republic (Co-authors: M.Chikhradze, K.Tavlalashvili, N.Bochorishvili, I.Akhvlediani); www.mess-earth.org
- Study of impact mine Blast on armord vehicle occupants by physical modeling. World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS), 03-07 September, 2018. Prague, Czech Republic. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 221, 2019 (Co-authors: N.Bochorishvili, I.Akhvlediani, N.Chikhradze); www.mess-earth.org
- Perormace Test Results of the New System for mitigating the Effect of Accidental explosions. 5th International Conference Protective Structures (ICPS5 2018), Poznanm Poland, August 20-24, 2018. (Co-authors: N.Chikhradze, M.Chikhradze, T.Krauthammer);
- Elaboration of the Charge Constructions of Explosives for the Structure of Facing Stone. World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2017), IOP Publishing (Co-authors: S.Khomeriki, N.Chikhradze, M.Losaberidze, D.Khomeriki, G.Shatberashvili);
- Hybrid system for attenuation of shock wave and fire in tunnels. 6th International Conference on Design and analysis of Protective Structures (DAPS 2017) (Co-authors: N.Chikhradze, T.Krauthammer);
- Protection concept and design system for mitigating effect of terrorist and accidental explosions in underground structures. 17th International Symposium on Interaction of the Effects of Munitions with Structures, 2017 (Co-authors: N.Chikhradze, M.Chikhradze, T.Krauthammer);
- Experimental study of the effect of water mist location on blast overpressure attenuation in a shock tube. World Multidisciplinary Earth Science Symposium (WIMESS 2017), 11-15 September, 2017. Prague, Grech Republic. (Co-authors: N.Chikhradze, N.Bochorishvili, D.Tatishvili);
- Methane explosion mitigation in coal mines by water mist. World Multidisciplinary Earth Science Symposium (WIMESS 2017), 11-15 September, 2017. Prague, Grech Republic. (Co-authors: N.Chikhradze, T.Krauthammer, Z.Mansurov, E.Alyev);
- Multifunctional device for explosion detection. Proceedings of the 8th World Conference on Explosives and Blasting. Lyon, France, 2015 (co-authors: M. Chikhradze, N. Bochorishvili, N. Chikhradze, Sh. Marjanishvili);
- Design of Wireless System for the Detection of Accidental and Terrorist Explosions and Fires in Manufacturing Sites. Proceedings of the International Conference on Design and Analysis of Protective Structures, DAPS 2015, Singapore, 2015 (co-authors: M. Chikhradze, T. Krauthammer, Sh. Marjanishvili);
- Development of Device for Identification Explosions and Fires. Proceedings of the Signal Processing Symposium. Dobe, Poland, 2015 (co-authors: M. Chikhradze, K. Tavlalishvili, N. Bochorishvili, Sh. Marjanishvili);
- Improvement of processing design methods of manganese ore layers by using the economic-mathematical modeling. Mining Journal, N2(33), Tbilisi, 2014. pp.31-34 (co-authors: T.ani, N.Bochorishvili, G.Tabatadze);
- Contemporary methods and guidelines or the protection from methane explosion in coal mines. Mining Journal, N2(31), Tbilisi, 2013. pp.64-67 (co-author A.Bezhanishvili);
- Computer modeling of technological processes in underground mining of manganese ore. 13th SGEM GeoConference on Science and Technologies In Geology, Exploration and Mining, SGEM2013 Conference Proceedings, 2013, Vol. 1, 349 - 356 pp (co-authors: N. Chikhradze, G. Tabatadze, N. Bochorishvili);
- Study and processing of the signals generated in tunnels. Proceedings: "Signal Processing Symposium", Poland (co-authors: M. Chikhradze, Sh. Marjanishvili, N. Bochorishvili, I. Akhvlediani) DOI: 10.1109/SPS.2013.6623585 ;
- Shock Energy Absorber for Protection Underground Structure from Internal Explosions, Proc. 15th International Symposium on the Interaction of the Effects of Munitions with Structures (ISIEMS 15), Potsdam, Germany, 16-20 September 2013 (co-authors: T. Krauthammer, N. Chikhradze, E. Chagelishvili);
- System for Protecting People from Methane Explosion in Coal Mines. Proceedings of the 23rd World Mining Congress (WMC), 2013 Montreal, Canada (co-authors: N. Chikhradze, N. Bochorishvili, T. Akhvlediani);
- Designing of Water Mist Generator for Attenuation of Shock Wave in Tunnels. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Design and Analysis of Protective Structures, DAPS 2012, South Korea (co-authors: T. Krauthammer, N. Chikhradze, E. Chagelishvili, N. Bochorishvili, I. Akhvlediani);
- Numerical Simulation and the Results of Testing of a Shock Wave Absorber for Protection of Tunnels from Internal Explosions. Proceedings of the Structures Congress 2011, Las Vegas, USA, 2011 (co-authors: N. Chikhradze, I. Lomidze, T. Krauthammer);
- Problems of exploitation of the deposits of chemical stock of Georgia. L.P.P.L. "Grigol Tsulukidze Mining Institute", Works 2010. pp:24-29 (co-authors: G.Shatberashvili, G.Kapanadze);
- System for protection people from accidental explosions in underground structures. L.P.P.L. "Grigol Tsulukidze Mining Institute", Works 2010. pp: 17-24 (co-authors: E.Chagelishvili, T.Krauthammer);
- Current condition of Georgian Mining enterprises and development trends. Mining Journal, №1(24), 2010. pp. 16-19 (co-authors: T.Akhvlediani, A.Gurjidze);
- A Shock-Wave Energy Absorber: the Device and Mathematical Model. 10th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM2010, Vol. 1 (2010), pp. 349-356 (co-authors: I. Lomidze, N.Chikhradze, T.Krauthammer);
- Influence of Liquid Phase Concentration on Shock Wave Attenuation in Tunnels. Proceedings of the 21th International Symposium on Military Aspects of Blast and Shock, October 3-8, 2010, Jerusalem, Israel (co-authors: T.Krauthammer, N.Chikhradze, E.Chagelishvili);
- Results of Bench Testing of a New Automatic System for Protection People and Underground Facilities from Internal Explosions. Materials of the Third International Conference on Design and Analysis of Protective Structures, 10-12 May, 2010, Singapore. pp.263-270 (co-authors: T.Krauthammer, N.Chikhradze, E.Chagelishvili);
- Choice of Design Parameters of an Underground. Proc. 13th International Symposium on the Interaction of the Effects of Munitions with Structures (ISIEMS 13), Bruehl, Germany, 11-15 May 2009 (co-authors: T.Krauthammer, N.Chikhradze, E.Chagelishvili, I.Kalichava);
- Wireless system for explosion detection in underground structures. Vol. 7502, 2009 (co-authors: M.Chikhradze, N.Bochorishvili, I.Akhvlediani, D. Kukhalashvili, I.Kalichava) http://spie.org/x648.html?product_id=837523
- The problems of protecting people in underground structures from terrorist explosions. NATO Science for Peace and Securite Series. E: Human and Societ Dynamics-Vol.37, IOS Press, pp.265-275 (co-authors: T.Krauthammer, N.Chikhradze, E.Chagelishvili);
- Application of the Non-Explosive Demolition Agent for Underground Mining. Proceeding of 8thInternational Scientific Conference "Modern Management of Mine Producing, Geology and environmental Protection", SGEM 2008, Albena, Bulgaria, June 16-20, 2008, Vol.1, pp. 281-286 (co-authors: T.Akhvlediani, N.Chikhradze el al.);
- Experimental Study of the Reduction of Blast Overpressure by Different Damping Agents. September 1-5, Oslo, Norway, 2008 (co-authors: T.Krauthammer, N.Chikhradze, E.Chagelishvili, I.Kalichava);
- Wireless System for the Identification of Unauthorized Explosions and Activation of Protective Device in Underground Facilities. Proceedings of the 21 st World Mining Congress& Expo 2008, 7-12, September 2008. Krakow, Poland. pp.175-182 (co-authors: T.Krauthammer, N.Chikhradze, E.Chagelishvili, D.Kukhalashvili);
- Issues of Localization of Effects of Accidental and Terrorist Explosions in Underground Structures. Proceedings of the International Symposium of Interaction of the Effects of Munitions with Structures, ISIEMS 12.1, 18-21 September, 2007. Orlando, USA (co-authors: T.Krauthammer, N.Chikhradze, E.Chagelishvili);
- Analysis of Electromagnetic Pulses for blast Identification. Proceedings of the International Conference "Information Technologies in Control", ITC`07,October 10-12, Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia, 2007. pp.414-417 (co-authors: P. Jokhadze, P. Bochikashvili, E.Chagelishvili, D. Kukhalashvili);
- Issues of Localization of Effects of Accidental and Terrorist Explosions in Underground Structures. Proceedings of the International Symposium of Interaction of the Effects of Munitions with Structures, ISIEMS 12.1, 18-21 September, 2007. Orlando, USA. pp. 76-77 (co-authors: T.Krauthammer, E.Chagelishvili and N.Chikhradze);
- System for Protecting People and Underground Facilities from Internal Terrorist Explosions. Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference "Design and Analysis of Protective Structures 2006", Section 2. Underground Facilities, 13-15 November 2006, Singapore (co-authors: T.Krauthammer, E.Chagelishvili and N.Chikhradze);
- Frequency Analysis of Electromagnetic Radiation from small Explosive Charges in Tunnels. Section 2. Underground Facilities, 13-15 November 2006, Singapore (co-authors: T.Krauthammer, E.Chagelishvili, N.Chikhradze et al.);
- Development of a Method for the Identification of Explosions in Tunnels. Georgian Engineering News, 3, 2004. pp. 132-138. Tbilisi, Georgia (co-authors: T.Krauthammer, G.Butskhrikidze et al.);
- Study of the Detection of Unauthorized Explosions in Tunnels. "Mining Journal", Georgia, 2, 2004. pp.38-42 (co-authors: E.Chagelishvili, R.Mikhelson, T.Krauthammer, G.Butskhrikidze);
- Development and Investigation of Impact Airwave Damper in Underground Structures. Building Theory and Earthquake Resistance. 4, 2004, Tbilisi, pp.66-73 (co-authors: L.Makharadze, A.Abesadze, A.Datunashvili);
- Identification of Explosions in Underground Structures. Proceedings of the International Conference “ Measuring Microsystems for Environment Monitoring”, Tbilisi, June 16-19, 2004 (co-authors: E.Chagelishvili, R.Mikhelson, T.Krauthammer, G.Butskhrikidze);
- Place of Chiatura in world manganese industry. "Mining Journal", № 2(13), Tbilisi, 2004. pp.44-53;
- Scientific-Technical Problems of Improvement of the Technologies of Manganese Ore Underground Mining. "Mining Journal", № 2(9), Tbilisi, 2002. pp.25-28;
- Current Tendencies of Manganese Industry Development and the Ways of Rehabilitation of the Chiatura-Zestafoni Metallurgical Complex. "Mining Journal", № 2(9), Tbilisi, 2002. pp.87-90 (co-authors: I.Baratashvili, S.Mazmishvili, G.Nakaidze);
- Problems of Development of Small Mining Enterprises. "Mining Journal", № 2(7), Tbilisi, 2001. pp.16-18;
- Georgian manganese ore. Manganese matters. International Manganese Institute, Paris, №3, 2000;
- Manganese ore production abroad mining terminology. "Mining Journal", № 1(4), Tbilisi, 2000. pp.36-39;
- Methods of evaluation of investment programmes on rehabilitation and development of mining enterprises. "Mining Journal", № 2, Tbilisi, 1998. pp.6-8;
- "Chiaturmanganese" in the period of transition to market economy. "Mining Journal", № 1, Tbilisi, 1998. pp.8-9.
Inventions and patents:
US Patent 10,252,092 B2, 2018 Explosion protection system. (Co-authors: N.Chikhradze, T.Krauthammer);
- Patent GEO # P3816 “The device for damping shock waves in underground structures";
- Patent GEO # P3703 “Method of identification of explosion";
- Patent GEO #2960В “Rock bolt”;
- Method of developing mineral deposit - А.С. №1488488 (USSR), publ.Б.И.23, 1989 (со-author D.Gtelmakher);
- Patent AP 2004005546 "Shock Wave Damping Device", 2004 (co-authors: L.Makharadze, A.Abesadze, A.Datunashvili, K.Kachiashvili);
- Patent GE P 2005 3703 B "Means of Blast Identification", 2004 (co-authors: E.Chagelishvili, R.Mikhelson, T.Krauthammer, G.Butskhrikidze)
Participation in Scientific Grant Projects:
- FR17-471 "Explosion Energy mitigation methods search and satety systems projects parameters estimation". Donor: Shota Rustaveli National Since Foundation (SRNSF) - Key personal (19.12.2017-19.12.2020);
- ISTC # G-2209 „Automated System for Protection from Accidental Explosions in Underground Structures“. Participating institute: Kazakh National University / Combustion Problems Institute, Kazakstan, Almaty –International Science and Technology Center – Principal Investigator (2016- 2019).
- FR/171/3-180/14 "Theoretical bases and technology for explosive extraction of facing stone blocks" - Shota Rustaveli National Since Foundation (SRNSF) - Principal Investigator (2015–2017).
- SPS 984595 ”Protection of Underground Structures from Fuel Cloud Explosions” - NATO Science for Peace Programme (with the Center for Infrastructure Protection and Physical Security, University of Florida) - Executor (2014-2017).
- D-13/02 „Design of Integrated Wireless System for the Detection of Accidental and Terrorist Explosions and/or Fires in Tunnels“ - Shota Rustaveli National Since Foundation (SRNSF) - Executor - (20.12.2012 -20.12.2014).
- GNSF/ST08/7-491 "Automated System for Protecting People from Methane Explosion in Coal Mines" - Georgian National Since Foundation on Project (GNSF) - Manager (2009–2012).
- SfP 980981 "System for Protecting People and Underground Facilities from Internal Terrorist Explosions” - NATO Science for Peace Programme (with the Center for Infrastructure Protection and Physical Security, University of Florida) - Project Co-Director ( (2005-2010).
- GEB1-4022-TB-07 ”Development of Technology for Production of Nonexplosive destroying Agents on the Basis of Georgian Raw Materials” - Georgian Research and Development Foundation (GRDF) - Principal Investigator (2007-2008).
- ISTC № G-1096 "Industrial Explosives on the Basis of Utilized Ammunition” - Head of Research Group (01.10.2004-2006).
- G2-2483-TB-02 ”Protecting People from Terrorist Explosions in Underground Structures” - U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) - Principal Investigator (2002-2003).
- ”General plan of development of Georgian Mining Industry” - Japan International Cooperation Agency (ЛСА) - Member of Coordination and Work Groups (2002-2003).
- 2001-GG-08 ”Preparation of Small Mining Enterprises web-site” - US International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) - Principal Investigator (2001).
- G-98-0349 "Assistance in Development of Georgian Small Mining Enterprises" - USAID-Eurasia Foundation - Manager (2000);
- ”Development of Energy Policy of Georgia” - "Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States" programme (TACIS) - Executor (1996).
Participation in Scientific Forums (conferences):
- 6th International Scientific-Practical Conference on Up-to-date Problems of Mining and Geology. Tbilisi, 24-25 September, 2020. 1. "STUDY OF THE EXPLOSIVE PROPERTIES OF A HYBRID MIXTURE OF METHANE AND COAL DUST"; 2. "EXPLOSION PROTECTION SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT";
6th World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium 7-11 September 2020, Prague, Czech Republic. “Experimental Study of the Shock Wave Attenuation in the Water Mist with Air Gaps”.
- 13th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference & EXPO SGEM2013, Albena, Bulgaria, 16-22 June, 2013. Paper: "Computer modeling of technological processes in underground mining of manganese ore";
- Signal Processing Symposium, Poland, 3-7 June, 2013. Paper: ”Study and processing of the signals generated in tunnels”;
- 15th International Symposium on the Interaction of the Effects of Munitions with Structures (ISIEMS 15), Potsdam, Germany, 16-20 September, 2013. Paper: ”Shock Energy Absorber for Protection Underground Structure from Internal Explosions”;
- 23rd World Mining Congress (WMC), 2013 Montreal, Canada, 11-15 August, 2013. Paper: "System for Protecting People from Methane Explosion in Coal Mines";
- 4th International Conference on Design and Analysis of Protective Structures, DAPS2012, South Korea, 19-22 June, 2012
Contract works:
- ”Project of underground mining of Chordi barite deposit” - Customer: JSC ”ADO GEORGIA MINING" - Project manager, 2012