Mining Laboratory

Marine Losaberidze
7, E. Mindeli Str.
Phone.:+(995 32) 2326182; 514 444445
1981 - Tbilisi State University, mathematician
Academic Doctor
Professional experience record:
1983 - up to date - G.Tsulukidze Mining Institute
Selected publications:
- The ability to assess the stability of creep-plastic landslides using ROCSCIENCE computer programs. Mining Journal, N1(46), Tbilisi, 2023. pp.5-12 (co-authors: L.Japaridze, T.Gobejishvili);
- Calculation of strength of multi-layer beam of rectangular cross section. Mining Journal, N1(45), Tbilisi, 2022. pp.84-87 (co-authors: Z.Mchedlishvili, L.Shurgaiya);
- Temperature stresses in parts of mining machines having the shape of bodies of revolution. Mining Journal, N1(45), Tbilisi, 2022. pp.40-42 (co-authors: Z.Mchedlishvili, L.Jihvadze);
- Determination of stressed-deformed state of variable-section beam rigidly embedded at ends. J: "Transport and machinebuilding" N2(51), Tbilisi, 2021. pp.67-72 (co-authors: Z.Mchedlishvili, I.Jikhvadze);
- Establishment of the stability coefficient of landslide hazardous blocks of consequential type under the combined influence of gravitational and seismic forces. Mining Journal, N1(44), Tbilisi, 2021. pp.7-16 (co-authors: L.Japaridze, T.Gobejishvili, S.Demetrashvili);
- Comparative analysis of existing methods for calculating consequential landslide bodies of block type. Mining Journal, N1(43), Tbilisi, 2020. pp.70-76 (co-authors: L.Japaridze, T.Gobejishvili, S.Demetrashvili);
- Improvement of the methods for determination of serviceability of the explosives. J:"Energy", N4(88), Tbilisi, 2018. pp:46-50 (Co-authors: S.Khomeriki, D.Khomeriki);
Elaboration of the Charge Constructions of Explosives for the Structure of Facing Stone. World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2017), IOP Publishing (Co-authors: S.Khomeriki, E.Mataradze, N.Chikhradze, D.Khomeriki, G.Shatberashvili)
Disturbance of an elastic-plastic half-plane caused by the periodic normal load. Mining Journal, N2(37), Tbilisi, 2016. pp.74-77
he Problem of Pressing an Orthotropic Half-Plane by Constant-Velocity Rigid Stamp. In: Mechanics of the Continouns Environment Issues: Dedicated to the 120 th Birth Anniversary of Academician Nikoloz Muskhelishvili, Editor: Ivane Gorgidze, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2012. pp.65-73.
On Dynamic Effect Caused by Moving Punches on Elastic half-Plane with the Account of Friction Force. Bulletin of Georgian National Academy of Sciences. vol.4, N3, 2010. pp:39-43.(co-author: T.Iamanidze).
Description of mechanical destruction process in rock massif under the action of dynamic loads on the border. Transactions. Applied Mechanics. Georgian Technical University, 2010. pp:49-53.
The research of a stress-strained state of a multilayer body under the pressure of the border hard stamps. Mining Journal, N1(22), 2009. pp.15-20 (co-author: T.Iamanidze).
On Excitation of orthotropic Half-plane Caused by Concentrated, Moving on the Boundary. "Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences", "Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences" vol.2, N.3, 2008. pp: 43-47 (co-author: T.Iamanidze).
Impact of Two Moving Stamps on the Stressed State of an Elastic Half-Plane. Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences", vol. 175, N4, 2007. pp: 55-57 (co-author: T.Iamanidze).
Schemes Numerical Realization of Problems of interaction between a System of Two Rigid Stamps and Elastic Semi-Plane. BGAS, 168, N1, 2003 (co-authors: T.Iamanidze, K.Ninidze, G.Silagadze).
On the Problem of the Action of the Stamp Moving with Constant Velocity along Elastic Semiplane and the Effect of Load Existing begondit. BGAS, 165, N3, 2002 (co-author: T.Iamanidze).
On the Stressed State of the Elastic Half-Plane Caused by the Stamps Moving at a Constant Speed. BGAS, 164, N1, 2001 (co-author: T.Iamanidze).
On dynamic effect caused by stamps moving on the boundary of the elastic body. "Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences", vol.164 N2, Tbilisi, 2001. pp. 17-18 (co-author: T.Iamanidze).
On dynamic Effect Caused by Stamps Moving on the Boundary of the elastic body. BGAS, 164, N2, 2001 (co-author: T.Iamanidze).
On Dynamic Effect Caused by the Action of Concentrated Force on Half-Plane. "Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences", vol.161, N3, 2000. pp. 20-23 (co-author: T.Iamanidze).
On the problem of elastic Half-plane Excitation caused by the Motion of lumped Forces. "Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences" vol.160, N1, 1999. pp. 17-20 (co-author: T.Iamanidze).
Investigation of the Dynamics of Rockbreaking Tool as the System with Nonlinear Elastic characteristics."Bulletion of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences" vol..159, N2, 1999. pp. 6-9 (co-author: T.Iamanidze).
Study of Half-plane Stress position Caused by Instrument. "Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences", 164, vol.3, Tbilisi, 1997. pp. 14-16 (co-author: T.Iamanidze).
Participation in Scientific Grant Projects:
1. № FR/171/3-180/14 -"Theoretical bases and technology for explosive extraction of facing stone blocks" (05.05.2015–05.05.2017). Donor: Shota Rustaveli National Since Foundation (SRNSF) - Key Perssonal
Participation in Scientific Forums (conferences):
- 6th International Scientific-Practical Conference on Up-to-date Problems of Mining and Geology, Tbilisi, 24-25 September, 2020. "ABOUT THE ROLE OF RHEOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF THE ROCKS IN GEOTECHNICAL PROBLEMS";