Scientific programs department

Davit Khomeriki
Head of Department, Manager of Scientific Programs
7, E. Mindeli Str.
Phone.: (+995 32) 2328191; (+995 32) 2326887
1998–2002 – Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, "Finance and Banking” - Bachelor of Economics;
2002–2004 – Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University – “State Finances” - Master of Economics
Trainings (Workshops):
- 2003 - “The full course of the operator of the personal computer” - (N05/120036) Batumi / Neuron Academy;
- 2004 - “The full course of accountings”. Batumi / The branch office of Adjara the Georgian Federation of Professional Accountants and Auditors;
- 2006-2007 - "Business English course". Tbilisi - The English Language Centre (The ELC);
- 2006-2007 - “Elaboration of business plan”. Online coursework (The Open University For Business And Technologies) Russian Federation;
- 2007 - “Technological Management: commercialization of R&D results in scientific research institutes”. Tbilisi - Science and Technology Centre in Ukraine, Institute of Intellectual Property and Law" Ukraine, National Intellectual Property Center Sakpatenti in Tbilisi, Georgia;
- 2008 - "In Science and technology Entrepreneurship Program". Tbilisi - Caucasus School of Business, Georgian Research and Development Foundation (GRDF);
- 2008 - “From Idea to Market”. Tbilisi - U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF), Georgia National Science Foundation (GNSF) and Georgian Research and Development Foundation (GRDF);
- 2009 - "Enviromental Characterization and Risk Assessment at Hard Rock Mine Sites" Tbilisi - Science and Technology Centre in Ukraine, Environmental Protection Agency - United States, NC&DC-Georgia;
- 2010 - "Technology transfer and Technology Licensing workshop" - Tbilisi - United States Department of commerce (CLDP), Georgian Research and development Foundation (GRDF)
- 2019 - Certificate: “Quick Propellant Assessment Kit Course & High Performance Liquid Chromatography Course”, Tbilisi, Georgia, 26th August to 6th September – Ministry of Defence Republic of Georgia & Ministry of Defence Republic Of Austria
Master of Economics
Professional experience record:
2007- up to date - G.Tsulukidze Mining Institute:
2007-2008 - Engineer - Department of open-cast mining and blasting technologies;
2008-2010 - Manager of Technologies commercialization;
2011-2012 - Manager of scientific programs
Selected publications:
“Multifunctional device for explosion detection”. Earth and Environmental Science. Prague (Czech Republic), 2019 (Co-authors: N. Chikhradze, E. Mataradze, M. Chikhrdaze, K. Tavlalishvili, S. Marjanishvili);
- "Wireless device for the detection of exsplosions and activation of shock wave absorber", Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, April 2019, Vol. 18, No. 4. (Co-authors: S.Khomeriki, N. Chikhradze, E.Mataradze, M.Chikhrdaze, K.Tavlalishvili, S.Marjanishvili);
- “Usage of Colloidal Gunpouder Realesed from Utilized Ammonition in the Mining Industry”. World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2019). IOP conf. series: Earth and Environmental Science 362(2019) 012089 (Co-authors: S. Khomeriki, N. Chikhradze, D.Supatashvili, A. Khvadagiani, N. Elizbarashvili);
“Analisis of Geodynamic Processes Developed in Georgia”. Earth and Environmental Science. Prague (Czech Republic) 2019 (Co-authors: E. Medzmariashvili, S. Khomeriki, G. Shatberashvili, N. Chikhradze, Z. Laoshvili, A. Khvadagiani, T. Qiqava, E. Mataradze);
- Creation of detonation chamber for experimental determination of thermodynamic characteristics of modern explosives. World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2018), IOP Publishing (Co-authors: S.Khomeriki, I.Varshanidze, N.Chikhradze, G.Javakhishvili);
- Improvement of the methods for determination of serviceability of the explosives. J:"Energy", N4(88), Tbilisi, 2018. pp:46-50 (Co-authors: S.Khomeriki, M.losaberidze);
- Elaboration of the Charge Constructions of Explosives for the Structure of Facing Stone. World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2017), IOP Publishing (Co-authors: S.Khomeriki, E.Mataradze, N.Chikhradze, M.Losaberidze, G.Shatberashvili);
- Assessment of detonation ability of explosives prepared from utilized ammunition. 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference (SGEM 2017), Conference proceedings, Volume 17, Issue 41 (Co-authors: N.Chikhradze, S.Khomeriki, S.Khvedelidze);
- The use of explosive chamber charge constructions. "Mining Journal", N1(38), Tbilisi, 2017. pp. 126-129. (co-authors: S.Khomeriki, Z.Kuchukhidze,G. Shatberashvili, A.Apriashvili, G. Bakhutashvili, N.Abesadze);
- Rock Directed Breaking Under the Impulse Load. World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS2016), IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 44 (2016) 052005, 44(2016). (co-authors: S.Khomeriki, E.Mataradze, N.Chikhradze, M.Losaberidze, G. Shatberashvili); IOPscience
- Production of industrial explosive substances on the basis of the powders and solid rocket fuel released from the utilization of the expired ammunition. World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium, WMESS 2015, Elsevier, Volume 15, 2015, Pages 738–741. (co-authors: S.Khomeriki, R.Mikhelson, N.Chikhradze, A.Khvadagiani); doi:10.1016/j.proeps.2015.08.117
- Methods determining the velocity of detonation of industrial explosives. Mining Journal, N1(30), Tbilisi, 2013. pp.59-63 (co-authors: Z.Kuchukhidze, A.Apriashvili, G.Bakhutashvili, G.Tkhelidze);
- Mining Enterprises Wastes Involving in Manufacture of New Materials - effective Way to Solve Environmental Problems. Ecology and Nature Management (collection of scientific works) Issue 15. 2012. pp.153-156. (co-authors: R.Mikhelson, S.Khomeriki);
- Computer Program for Calculation of Seismically Safe Charge Mass of Industrial Explosions and Distances. Mining Jurnal"/Scientific,Engineering,information and analytical Jurnal, 1(28), Tbilisi, Georgia, 2012. pp.73-77 (co-authors: R.Mikhelson, S.Khomeriki, A.Khvadagiani;D.Supatashvili);
- Seismic Secure Technology of Explosive Works at Building Dismantling in Densely Populated Areas. Ecology and Nature Management (collection of scientific works) Issue 15, 2012. pp.50-54 co-authors: N.Kukuladze, S.Khomeriki, G.Tkhelidze);
- The Efficiency Of Application Of Utilized Propellant To Chamber Charges.“Georgian Engineering News” 1'11. ISSN 1512-0287, No.1(vol.57),2011 pg 66-69 2011 (co-authors: S.Khomeriki, N.Kukuladze, R.Mikhelson, A.Apriashvili, Z.Kuchukhidze);
- Intensity of ground oscillation at explosive dismantling of amortized brick and reinforced-concrete constructions. Journal: L.P.P.L. Grigol Tsulukidze Mining Institute, Works, 2010. pp: 37-42. (co-authors: S.Khomeriki, N.Kukuladze, Z.Kuchukhidze, A.Apriashvili);
- Influence of characteristics of explosives and rock on the parameters of seismic-explosion oscillations. Journal: L.P.P.L. Grigol Tsulukidze Mining Institute, Works, 2010. pp. 30-36 (co-authors: S.Khomeriki, R.Mikhelson, N.Kukuladze, D.Khomeriki, M.Jibuti, G.Tkhelidze);
- Seismic effect on destruction of buildings by explosion. ”Mining Journal”, №1(22), Tbilisi, 2009. pp.28-31 (co-authors: N.Kukuladze, Z.Kuchukhidze, A.Apriashvili, G.Bakhutashvili);
- The computer program of designing drilling and blasting operations in open-cast mine. GOSPODARKA SUROWCAMI MINERALNYMI, Vol 24, 2008 (co-authors: R.Mikhelson, S.Khomeriki, K.Dzebisashvili, H.Tudeshki, S.Rossbach).
Inventions and patents:
- 2012 - “The computer program of calculation seismically safety parameters of industrial blasting operations.” - National Center of Intellectual Property (№5093);
- 2007 - "The borehole charge procurement method.” National Center of Intellectual Property (№ P 4868)
Participation in Scientific Grant Projects:
1. SRNSF #FR/171/3-180/14 "Theoretical bases and technology for explosive extraction of facing stone blocks" (2015–2017). Donor: Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation – Chief Engineer (Support person);
2. SRNSF #AR/62/3-180/14 "Fabrication of industrial explosives based on gunpowders disengaged in result of utilization of out-to-date military weapon and solid rocket propellant" (2015–2016). Donor: Shota Rustaveli Natonal Science Foundation – Key personnel;
3. SRNSF #445 "Establishment of seismic safe parameters of industrial explosions and development of computer program for their calculation" (2009-2012). Donor: Shota Rustaveli Natonal Science Foundation;
4. CRDF/GRDF/SRNSF #06/09 „Development of Technology of Industrial Explosives on the Base of Utilized Ammunition“(2009). Donor: CRDF-GNSF-GRDF (STEP-Program);
5. NATO #SFP 980981 "Protection system for people and underground buildings from explosions" (2005-2009). Donor: NATO Program “For Peace and security”;
6. ISTC #G-1096 “Development of Technology and Creation of Industrial Explosives on the Basis of Utilized Ammunition” (2004-2007). Donor: International Science and Technology Center.
Participation in Scientific Forums (conferences):
- 6th International Scientific-Practical Conference on Up-to-date Problems of Mining and Geology, Tbilisi, 24-25 September, 2020. "IMPROVEMENT OF RESEARCH METHODS OF THE BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF PHYSICAL PROCESSES AND THERMODYNAMIC SYSTEMS";
- World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS2016);
- “Seismicaly Safe Technology For Blasting Operations at Blasting of a Bulding in Densely Populated Comditions”. Problems of Nature Management, Sustainable Development and Technogenous Safety of Regions/International Scientific, Practical Conference.(Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine), 2011;
- “Involvement of Mining Waste and Production of New Materials -an Effective Way to Solve Environmental Problems”. Problems of Nature Management, Sustainable Development and Technogenous Safety of Regions/International Scientific, Practical Conference (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine), 2011;
- “The Computer Program of Designing Drilling and Blasting Operastions in Open-Cast Mine”. World Mining Congress (Poland), 2008;
- “Automated System for Prptecting People from Explosions in Underground Structures”. The global security challenge competition/semifinal - (The National University of Singapore) 2008.