Mining Laboratory

Levan Japaridze
Head of Center of Underground Structures Construction and Mining Technologies, Chief Researcher
7, E. Mindeli Str.
Phone.:+995(32) 2320168; 599 584070;
1955-1960 - Georgian Polytechnic Institute (now Georgian Technical University), Faculty of Mining and Geology; Specialty: Underground Construction, Mining engineer;
1960-1961 - Georgian Polytechnic Institute (now Georgian Technical University), Faculty of Civil Engineering, Specialty: Civil engineer, Engineer
1965-1968 - Leningrad Institute of Mining Geomechanics (VNIMI), Underground Construction, Postgraduate;
1968 - Moscow Mining Institute, Underground Construction, Candidate of Technical Sciences;
1978 - Moscow Mining Institute, Underground Construction, Doctor of Technical Sciences;
1983 - Georgian Technical University, Faculty of Mining and Geology; Specialty: Construction of underground facilities and mines; Professor
Doctor of Technical Sciences
2018 - Academician of Georgian National Academy of Sciences 1998 - Corresponding Member of Georgian Academy of Sciences 1983 - ProfessorProfessional experience record:
1962-1965 - Engineer - Department of industrial construction, Georgian Institute of designing of mines;
1968-1984 - Research officer; Head of the Laboratory of Confining pressure, G.Tsulukidze Mining Institute;
1970-1994 - associate professor, professor - Department of Mining, Georgian Technical University;
1984-2004 - Director - G.Tsulukidze Mining Institute;
1994-2004 - Chairman - Department of Science and Technology of Georgia;
2004-2019 - Head of the Department of Underground Structures Construction and Mining, G.Tsulukidze Mining Institute;
2009-up to date - Chairman of the Scientific Council, G.Tsulukidze Mining Institute
2019-up to date - Head of the Center of Underground Structures Construction and Mining Technologies, G.Tsulukidze Mining Institute;
Teaching Activity:
1970-1994 - associate professor, professor - Department of Mining, Georgian Technical University
Problems of strength, deformation and disruption of a solid under the impact of static, rheological and dynamic impacts;
Theory and calculation of mining, transport, hydrotechnical and other buildings and structures;
Physical and technological problems of mining of hard mineral resources
Selected publications:
The author of 130 publications:
- The ability to assess the stability of creep-plastic landslides using ROCSCIENCE computer programs. Mining Journal, N1(46), Tbilisi, 2023. pp.5-12 (co-authors: T.Gobejishvili, M.Losaberidze).
- Determination of stability of creep-plastic type landslide by numerical-analytical methods. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Modern Problems of Ecology", Landscape ecology and Climate change, Kutaisi, Vol. 9, 2023. pp. 116-122 (co-authors: N.Chikhradze, T.Gobejishvili).
- Establishment of the stability coefficient of landslide hazardous blocks of consequential type under the combined influence of gravitational and seismic forces. Mining Journal, N1(44), Tbilisi, 2021. pp.7-16 (co-authors: T.Gobejishvili, M.Losaberidze, S.Demetrashvili).
A Case Study of the Slope Stability after Large Landslide in the 2015 Flood in Tbilisi. BULLETIN OF THE GEORGIAN NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES vol.14, N2, 2020. pp. 55-60.
- Comparative analysis of existing methods for calculating consequential landslide bodies of block type. Mining Journal, N1(43), Tbilisi, 2020. pp.70-76 (co-authors: T.Gobejishvili, M.Losaberidze, S.Demetrashvili).
- Analysis of the Internal Forces Caused by Seismic P and S Waves and Geostatic Load in a Circular Tunnel. Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, vol. 12, no. 1, p. 33, 2018.
- About possibility of use of modern technologies on Tkibuli-Shaori deposit (in Georgian). “Metsniereba da Technologiebi”, #1(724), 2017;
- Shear Stresses in the Indirect Test of Tensile Strength of Rocks and Other Hard Materials. Bulletin of Georgian National Academy of Sciences, vol. 10, №3, 2016.
- About possibility of application of anchor fastening in preparatory making of coal mines of Tkibuli. Mining Journal, N1(36), Tbilisi, 2016. pp.41-44 (co-author T.Phirtskhalava).
- Stress-deformed state of cylindrical specimens during indirect tensile strength testing. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, ELSEVIER, Volume 7, Issue 5, October 2015. pp. 509–518 doi:10.1016/j.jrmge.2015.06.006;
- Static Analysis of a Double-Chamber Tunnel built Using Cut and Cover Construction. Bulletin of Georgia National Academy of Sciences. Vol.8, №1, Tbilisi, 2014;
- Composite materials reinforced by Basalt and Carbon Hybrid Fibers. TMS2013 Supplemental Proceedings. Published Online: 25 FEB 2013, DOI: 10.1002/9781118663547.ch67. (co-authors: N. Chikhradze, G.Abashidze);
- Analytical and numerical methods for solving problems of the stress-strain state of the massif around the tunnel. Mining Journal, N1(30), Tbilisi, 2013. pp.19-21 (co-author T.Gobejishvili);
- Comparison of Analytical and Numerical Methods for Assessment of Stress-Strain State of the Massif around the Tunnel of Noncircular Cross-Section. Bulletin -Georgian National Academy of Sciences. New Series vol.7, N.1., 2013. pp. 38-42;
- Analysis of two basic methods of tunnel construction - Mining Journal, N2(29), Tbilisi, 2012. pp.24-27 (co-author S.Demetrashvili).
Properties of basalt Plastics and of composites Reinforced by Hybrid Fibers in Operating Conditions- in book: “Composites and Their Applications” Edited by Ning Hu, In Tech, Chapter 10, pp.221-246, 2012 (co-authors: N. Chikhradze, G.Abashidze). - Composite materials reinforced by Basalt and Carbon Hybrid Fibers, -Int. Conf. “Modern Technologies and Methods of Inor. Mat. Sci.” Proceedings. Tbilisi, pp.323-337, 2012 (co-authors: N. Chikhradze, G.Abashidze, G.Pkhaladze).
- Stabilization and Reinforcing of the Polyolefins. Proceedings, 12 Int. Multidisciplinary scientific Geoconference. Albena, Bulgaria; 2012 (co-authors: N. Chikhradze, G.Abashidze).
- Polymer Based Composite and Hybrid Materials for Wind Power Generation. Material Science Forum. Vols. 654-656(2010), pp. 2612-2615(2010), Trans Tech. Publications, Switzerland (Co-authors: N.M.Chikhradze, F.D.Marcuis, G.S.Abashidze, and L.M.Okujava).
- Generalization of Hert's task, used for definition of tensile strength of materials. L.P.P.L. "Grigol Tsulukidze Mining Institute", Works 2010. pp:13-17.
- Stability analysis of Kumistavi cave complex. L.P.P.L. "Grigol Tsulukidze Mining Institute", Works 2010. pp: 8-13 (co-author G.Pkhaladze).
- Fabrication of WC-NiAl composites by hot explosive consolidation: a structure/property relationship investigation. "Mining Journal", N1(24), Tbilisi, 2010. pp. 68-82 (co-authors: A.Peikrishvili, L.J. Kecskes, E.Chagelishvili, B.Godibadze).
- Problems of rational use of natural and man-caused underground structures. "Mining Journal", №1(24), 2010. pp.34-42.
- Problems of Calculation of Underground Construction on Limiting States of Service Ability. Proceedings of ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress & 34th General Assembly, September 19-25, 2008, Agra, India
- Problems of Calculation of Underground Construction. Proceedings of ACUUS conference: “Underground Space: Expanding the Frontiers”, September 10-13, 2007 Athens, Greece.
- Hot Explosive Consolidation of WC-AlNi Composites. Advances in Science and Technology. Vol. 45, 11th International Ceramics Congress, 2006. pp. 905-916 (co-authors: A.Peikrishvili, L.Kecskes, E.Chagelishvili, Bradley R. Klotz, Justin E. Pritchett, B.Godibadze).
- Problems of Calculation of Underground Construction on Extreme States. Bulletin of the GAS, V 172, №12, 2005 (co-author T.Gobejishvili).
- Hot Explosive Consolidation of Clad W-Cu Composition Powders. Proceedings of World Congress & Exhibition of Powder Metallurgy, October 17-21, 2004. Vienna, Austria (co-authors: L.Kecskes, N.Chikhradze, M.Tsiklauri, N.Dalakishvili).
- Explosive consolidation and jacketing tungsten base alloys at elevated temperatures. Proceeding of 2003 conference of powder metallurgy and particulate materials, June 8-12, 2003, Las-Vegas, USA (co-authors: A.Peikrishvili, L. Kecskes, A. Dgebuadze).
- Compaction of Ni-Al powders by explosive technology at elevated temperatures. Proceeding of 2003 conference of powder metallurgy and particulate materials, June 8-12, 2003, Las-Vegas, USA (co-authors: A.Peikrishvili, L. Kecskes, N.Chikhradze).
- Theoretical calculations of the stress-deformed state of powder materials. In the book: "Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials", 2002 (co-authors: A.Peikrishvili, I. Lomidze).
- Explosive fabrication of Ni-C composites and coatings; Processing/Microstructure/Properties Relationship. In the book: "Powder Materials: Current research and industrial practice", edited by F. D. S. Marquis, N. N. Thadhani, E. V. Barrera, TMS, 2001. pp. 233-243 (co-authors: A.Peikrishvili, F. D. S. Marquis, L. Kecskes).
- Calculation of the stress tensor under symmetric cylindrical shock wave loading. In the book: "Powder Materials: Current research and industrial practice", edited by F. D. S. Marquis, N. N. Thadhani, E. V. Barrera, TMS, 2001. pp. 243-256 (co-authors: I. Lomidze, K.Shtauthamer, A.Peikrishvili).
- Hot explosive fabrication of boron, B4C and B4C-Al composites: microstructure/properties relationship. Proceedings of 2nd Symposium: "Powder materials: current research and industrial practices", Edited by F.D.S. Marquis, N.N. Thadhani, E. V. Barrera, TMS. p. 161-172. 2001 (co-authors: R.Aptsiauri, F.D.S.Marquis, A.Peikrishvili, G.Kalandadze, A.Eristavi, N.Chikhradze, S.Shalamberidze, Z.Chikviladze).
- Explosive Compaction of Clad Graphite Powders and obtaining of Coating on their Base. In the book "Shock-Wave and high-Strain-Rate Phenomena", edited by K. P. Staudhammer, L. E. Muzz and M. A. Meyers, ELSEVIER, c. 32, 2000. p. 242-258 (co-authors: A.Peikrishvili, F. D. S. Marquis, N.Chikhradze, T.Gobejishvili et al.).
- Hot Consolidation of Boron Base Powders and Investigation of their structure/property relationship. Proceeding of "2000 Int. Conference on Powder metallurgy & Particulate Materials". New York, 2000. p. 661-672 (co-author A.Peikrishvili).
- Novel Materials Fabrication By Hot Explosive Compaction. Proceeding of 1999 Int. Conference on Power Metallurgy & Particulate Materials, Vancouver, Canada, 1999 (co-authors: L. Kecskes, A.Peikrishvili, Z. Chikviladze).
- Competing boron lased powders using different type of consolidation method. Proceeding of 13th International Symposium on boron, Borides and Related Compounds. Dinard (France), 1999 (co-authors: A.Peikrishvili, A. Eristavi, G. Papava).
- New Experimental Method for Consolidation Some Refractoring and Nonmetallic Powders. Proceeding of 5th International Conference on Mechanical and physical behavior of Materials under Dynamic Loading. Toledo (Spain), 1997 (co-author A.Peikrishvili).
- Limited concentration stability of water-coal suspension. Transport and sedimentation of solid particles. Wroclaw, Poland, 1997. p. 701-708 (co-authors: T. Gochitashvili, E.Chagelishvili).
- New Experimental Method for Consolidation some Refractory and Nonmetallic Powders. J. PHYSIC, France 7, 1997. p. 67-72 (co-authors: A.Peikrishvili, Z. Chikviladze).
- WC-Co hard alloy coating obtained by hot shock wave treatment. In the book: "Advances in Powder Metallurgy 1996 Particulate Materials", complied by M. Cadle, K. S. Narishman, v. 1, p. 5, 1996. pp. 63-71 (co-author A.Peikrishvili).
- Hot shock wave compacting heavy and hard alloy powders. In the book: "Advances in Powder Metallurgy 1996 Particulate Materials", complied by M. Cadle, K. S. Narishman, v. 1, p. 1, 1996. pp. 53-62 (Co-authors: A.Peikrishvili, E.Chagelishvili).
- Principle of water coal suspension production and selection of rational parameters of the process. Bulletin of Georgian Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi, 1995. p. 6 (co-authors: T.Gochitashvili, V.Gamkrelidze).
- Possibilities of obtaining combined samples from tungsten alloys by high temperature shock-wave treatment. EL-Paso, Texas USA, 1995 (co-authors: A.Peikrishvili, N.Chikhradze, E.Chagelishvili).
- The influence of preheating temperature on shock wave consolidation of diamond containing powders. In the book: "Metallurgical and Materials Application of shock Wave High-Strain-Rate Phenomena", edited by L. E. Murr, K. P. Staudhammer, M. A. Meyers. ELSEVIER, 1995. pp. 125-132 (co-authors: A.Peikrishvili, Z. Chikviladze).
- Possibility of obtaining Combined samples from Tungsten base Alloys by High temperature shock wave treatment. In the book: "Metallurgical and Materials Application of shock Wave High-Strain-Rate Phenomena", edited by L. E. Murr, K. P. Staudhammer, M. A. Meyers. ELSEVIER, 1995. pp. 105-108 (co-authors: A.Peikrishvili, Z. Chikviladze).
- Peculiarities of explosive joining of w-containing materials at elevated. Proceeding of Eight Cimtec-World Ceramic Congress and Forum on New Materials, Florence, 1994. pp. 115-118 (co-author A.Peikrishvili).
- Shock wave covering steel surface by hard materials. Proceeding of Eight Cimtec-World Ceramic Congress and Forum on New Materials, Florence, 1994. pp. 121-123 (co-authors: A.Peikrishvili, N.Chikhradze).
- Calculation of extended mine excavations support by limit States (In Russian) “Nedra”, Moscow, 1991 (Monograph).
- Calculation of the supports of capital and preparatory tunnels of the mines of Georgia (in Georgian)"Metsniereba", Tbilisi, 1991 (Monograph).
- Shock-Wave Deformation of Tungsten-Nickel-Iron Alloy with Rise of Temperature. Materials of International Conference on High Pressures in Materials, San Diego (USA), 1990 (co-author: A.Peikrishvili).
- Calculation of underground structures for static and seismic impacts. (In Russian) "Metsniereba", Tbilisi, 1990 (Monograph).
- Optimality criteria of design solutions of capital and preparatory excavations in the conditions of arching (in Russian) «Mining Journal» , №3,
1989, Moscow. - Influence of Preliminary Heating on the Dynamic Consolidation of Some Materials. Materials of International Conference on High cience. Springer International Publishing. Springer International Publishing AG. July 1989, Volume 25, Issue 4, pp 387–395.
- Basic Geomechanical Parameters of Rock Massifs Necessary for Underground Constructions’ Calculation. Works of Soviet-Sweden
seminar, Stockholm, 1989. - The determination of the settlement of the dimensions of the limit arch of equilibrium in brittle-destructible rocks (in Russian).
Journal «Shakhtnoe Stroitelstvo», №12, Moscow, 1988. - The method of determining the optimal shape of the cross section of the excavation. (in Russian) Journal «Shakhtnoe Stroitelstvo», №4,
Moscow, 1987. - Mechanics of Underground Structures. (in Georgian) “Ganatleba”, Monograph, 1984.
- The use of calculation methods on the limiting States in the design of underground structures. (in Russian). Journal «Shakhtnoe
Stroitelstvo», №3, Мосow, 1983. - Calculation of metal support of mine excavations (in Russian). “Nedra”, Moscow, 1975.
- The problems of calculation of the lining of underground structures on limit state. (in Russian) "Physics of rocks and processes", Moscow
Mining Institute. 1974. - The calculation of the ring of the lining of underground structures with a ductile filling of over support space in an elastic-creeping rock mass. (in Russian). «Rock Pressure in Capital Tunnels », Mining Institute, Novosibirsk, 1973.
- Tensile testing of cylindrical specimens by the cleavage method. Journal of Mining Science. Springer. International Publishing, AG.Volume 8, Issue 3, May-June, 1972. Pp.331-334.
- Calculation of stresses in a cylindrical specimen during tensile testing of materials. Bulletin of Georgian National Academy of Sciences, vol. 62,№3, 1971, Tbilisi.
Inventions and patents:
- Composition material absorbing neutrons and method for its production. Bulletin of the Patent office of Georgia. №17(60), Patent №1 GEP20002197 B, Sakpatenti, Tbilisi, 2000 (co-authors: T. Abzianidze, A.Peikrishvili, N. Chikhradze et al.).
- Container for transportation and storage of radioactive material and method for its production. Bulletin of the Patent office of Georgia. Patent # GEP20002199 B, Sakpatenti, Tbilisi, 2000 (co-authors: T. Abzianidze, A.Peikrishvili, N. Chikhradze, Z.Chikviladze et al.).
- "The method of explosive coating of Insert surfaces of cylindrical samples by refractory and ceramic materials". Patent of USSR No 1732573, January 8, 1992 (co-authors: A.Peikrishvili et al.).
- ”Method of production of material from refractory powders”. Patent SU1731438, January 8, 1992 (co-authors: A.Peikrishvili, G.Gotsiridze, N. Chikhradze).
- Method for hard alloys hardening by explosion. Patent SU1770085, October 23, 1992 (co-authors: E.Chagelishvili, A.Peikrishvili, G.Gotsiridze, N. Chikhradze).
Participation in Scientific Grant Projects:
- P506 (BNL-T2-0392-GE) ”Development of Novel Multilayer Cylindrical Container for Storage Nuclear Waste and Nuclear Fuel”, Science & Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU)/U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)- Researcher, 2013-2015.
- ISTC G-136 “Elaboration of Technology for Shock-Wave Compacting of Carbon Containing Composition and Obtaining of Rigid Coatings on their Base”, manager, 1999-2000.
- STCU-#3631-participant, “Advanced low wind speed small turbine with adaptive aeroelastic blades made of composite high-modulus", Researcher, 2006-2008.
Participation in Scientific Forums (conferences):
- 2023 - "Determination of stability of creep-plastic type landslide by numerical-analytical methods" - International Scientific Conference "Modern Problems of Ecology", Kutaisi, November 23-25.
- 2023 - "Assessment of the stability of some landslide bodies in Georgia using a numericalanalytical approach" - International cientific conference “Geography: Past, Present, and Future Challenges”. November 1-3, Tbilisi, Georgia.
- 2020 - 1. "FOR TKIBULI-SHAORI DEPOSIT UNDERGROUND COAL GASIFICATION METHOD USAGE"; 2. "ABOUT THE ROLE OF RHEOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF THE ROCKS IN GEOTECHNICAL PROBLEMS" - 6th International Scientific-Practical Conference on Up-to-date Problems of Mining and Geology. 24-25 September, Tbilisi.
- 2012 - "Stabilization and Reinforcing of the Poliefins" - 12th International Multidisciplinary scientific Geoconference, Albena, Bulgaria.
- 2012 - "Composite Materials Reinforced by Basalt and Carbon Hybrid Fibers" - Proceedings of international conference "Modern Technologies and Methods Inorganic Materials Science 4-6 June.
- 2010 -"Polymer Based Composite and Hybrid Materials for Wind Power Generation" - Material Science forum. Vols. 654-656 (2012), pp.2612-2615 Trans Tech. Publications, Switzerland.
- 2010 - "Fatigue of Hybrid Polymeric Composites on Twisting"- Proceedings of TSM Annual Meeting and Exhibitic, February 14-18, 2010. Seattle, Washington, USA.
- 2008 - "Problems of Calculation if Underground Construction on Limiting States of Service Ability" -ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress and 34 th General Assembly, September 19-25, 2008, Agra, India.
- 2007 - "Problems of calculation Underground Consolidation"-Proceedings of ACUUS conference: "Underground Space: Expanding the Frontiers", September 10-13, 2007. Athens, Greece.
- 2006 - "Hot explosive consolidation of WC-Ni-Al composites" -11th International ceramics Congress 4th forum on New Materials, Acireale (Catania) Sicily, Italy;
- 2004 -"Hot explosive consolidation of Clad W-Cu Composition powders" - World Congress and Exhibition of Powder Metallurgy, Vienna, Austria;
- 2003 - "Compaction of Ni-Al powders by explosive technology at elevated temperatures"-International conference of powder metallurgy and particulate materials, Las-Vegas, USA;
- 2002 - "Theoretical calculations of the stress-deformed state of materials" - International conference "Advances in powder Metallurgy and Particulate materials", El Paso, USA.
Additional information:
- Member of Georgian National Academy of Sciences;
- Member of Georgian Academy of Engineer Sciences;
- Member of Russian Academy of Mining Sciences;
- Member of Russian Academy of Engineer Sciences.