
Nikoloz Chikhradze
Director, Chief researcher
7, E. Mindeli Str.
Phone.:+(995 32) 324716; +(995 32) 325990;
1975-1980 - Georgian Technical University, engineer-physics
ProfessorProfessional experience record:
1978 - Ilia Vekua Sukhumi Institute of Physics and Technology
1979-1980 - Institute of Physics, Nuclear Reactor
1980-up to date - G.Tsulukidze Mining Institute:
1980-1983 - Engineer,
1983-1988 - Researcher,
1988-2001 - Senior Researcher, Chief of Experimental Polygon
2001-2006 - Deputy Director,
2006-2007 - Acting Director
2007-to date - Director
2001-up to date - Georgian Technical University:
Docent - Department of Physics,
Full Professor - Faculty of Informatics and Managing Systems, Department of Engineering Physics
Teaching Activity:
Georgian Technical University
Materials Science;
Solid State Physics;
Explosives and Blasting Technologies
Selected publications:
- SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF AMINO ACID-BASED, ECO-FRIENDLY MATERIALS. Proceedings of 23rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2023 (Survey, Geology, Ecology and Management), Vol. 23, #6.1, pp. 337-343 (co-authors: S.Kvinikadze, D.Tsverava, A.Vanishvili, R.Kardava). DOI:10.5593/sgem2023/6.l/s26.42
- SHOCK-WAVE SYNTHESES OF HIGH ENTROPY ALLOYS IN Fe-W-Al-Ti-Ni-B-C SYSTEM. Proceedings of 23rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2023 (Survey, Geology, Ecology and Management), Vol. 23, #6.1, pp. 87-94 (co-authors: N. Jalabadze, M.Chikhradze, D.Tsverava, G.Janikashvili). .
- Study of the explosive properties of a hybrid mixture of methane and coal dust. AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2928, 170009-1–170009-8, 2023 (co-authors: N.Bochorishvili, E.Mataradze, Sh. Marjanishvili).
- Determination of stability of creep-plastic type landslide by numerical-analytical methods. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Modern Problems of Ecology", Langshcape ecology and Climat change, Kutaisi, Vol. 9, 2023. pp. 116-122 (co-authors: L.Japaridze, Gobejishvili).
- Experimental Testing of Fiber Based Structures for Protection of Steel Sheets from Explosive Wave. Proceedings of 22nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM, Sofia, Vol.22, Iss. 6.1, 2022 (co-author: E.Mataradze, G.Abashidze, D.Tsverava, T.Iashvili). DOI: 10.5593/sgem2022/6.1/s26.20.
- Biodegradable Polymer Composite Materials with High Mechanical Properties. 21st SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Proceedings, Sofia, Vol. 21, Iss. 6.1, 2021 (co-author: N.Chikhradze, G.Abashidze, S.Kvinikadze, L.Kirtadze, A.Vanishvili). DOI:10.5593/sgem2021/6.1/s26.41.
- Study of Possibility of Natural Pigments Production on a Base of Unprofitable Iron Deposits and Development of Technologies. 21st SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Proceedings, Sofia, Vol. 21, Iss. 6.1, 2021 (co-authors: A. Shekiladze, N. Shekriladze, O. Kavtelashvili, M. Bagnashvili) DOI: 10.5593/sgem2021/6.1/s26.39.
- Influence of the Droplet Velocity on the Attenuation of Overpressures in a Water Mist. 7th World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2021), IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 906 (2021):012042 (co-author: E.Mataradze, I.Akhvlediani, M.Chikhradze, N.Bochorishvili, K.Tavlalashvili). DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/906/1/012042.
- The Improvement of Picric Acid Synthesis Methodology. 7th World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2021), IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 906 (2021) 012132 (co-authors: M.Nadirashvili, T. Iashvili, A.Gigineishvili, G.Beinashvili). DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/906/1/012132.
- Mining Waste Complex Research and Development of Technologies for their Use in Georgia. 7th World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2021), IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 906 (2021): 012133 (co-authors: N.Bochorishvili, D.Khomeriki, E.Mataradze, N.Chikhradze, S.Kvavadze, D.Robakidze, S.Khomeriki 10.1088/1755-1315/906/1/012133.
- Study of the explosive properties of a hybrid mixture of methane and coal dust. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 609, 2020 (co-author: N.Bochorishvili).
Assessment of Impact and Ballistic Resistance of Some Types of Organoplastics. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 609, 2020 (co-authors: G.Abashidze, D.Tsverava, S.kvinikadze, L.Kirtadze), doi:10.1088/1755-1315/609/1/012100.
Multifunctional device for explosion detection. Earth and Environmental Science. Prague (Czech Republic), 2019 (co-authors: D. Khomeriki, E. Mataradze, M. Chikhrdaze, K. Tavlalishvili, S. Marjanishvili).
- Wireless device for the detection of exsplosions and activation of shock wave absorber. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, April 2019, Vol. 18, No. 4. (co-authors: D.Khomeriki, S.Khomeriki, E.Mataradze, M.Chikhrdaze, K.Tavlalishvili, S.Marjanishvili).
- Usage of Colloidal Gunpouder Realesed from Utilized Ammonition in the Mining Industry. World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2019). IOP conf. series: Earth and Environmental Science 362(2019) 012089 (co-authors: D.Khomeriki, S. Khomeriki, D.Supatashvili, A. Khvadagiani, N. Elizbarashvili).
Analysis of Geodynamic Processes Developed in Georgia. Earth and Environmental Science. Prague (Czech Republic) 2019 (co-authors: E. Medzmariashvili, S. Khomeriki, G. Shatberashvili, Z. Laoshvili, D. Khomeriki, A. Khvadagiani, T. Qiqava, E. Mataradze).
- Mitigation effects a water barrier on dynamic loads on the humanbody at explosions. IOP Conference Series. Earth and Environmental Sciences 2019, Prague (Czech Republic). (co-authors: N.Bochorishvili, E. Mataradze, K. Tavlalishvili, M. Chikhradze, I. Akhvlediani).
- Exsplosion suppression in limited spaces. IOP Conference Series. Earth and Environmental Sciences 2019, Prague (Czech Republic) (co-authors: I. Akhvlediani, E. Mataradze, K. Tavlalishvili, M. Chikhradze, N. Bochorishvili).
Production of corrosion-resistant polymer concrete reinforced with varioous fibers. IOP Conference Series. Earth and Environmental Sciences 2019, Prague (Czech Republic) (co-authors: F. Marquis, G. Abashidze, D. Tsverava).
- Shock-Wave consolidation of boron and carbon vontaining ultrafine powders and investigation their struqture/properties. IOP Conference Series. Earth and Environmental Sciences 2019, Prague (Czech Republic) (co-authors: M.Chikhradze, G.Abashidze, A.Gigineishvili).
Synthesis of utrafine FE-W-AL-TI-NI-C-B Powders by mechanical alloying. IOP Conference Series. Earth and Environmental Sciences 2019, Prague (Czech Republic) (co-authors: M. Chikhradze, G. Abashidze, D. Tsverava, K. Stecuła).
- "Creation of detonation chamber for experimental determination of thermodynamic characteristics of modern explosives". World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2018), IOP Publishing (co-authors: S.Khomeriki, I.Varshanidze, G.Javakhishvili, D.Khomeriki).
- Development of Hybrid Reinforced Corrosion Resistant Polymeric Concretes. 2018 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition. 4-7 Nov. 2018, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. (co-authors: F.Marquis, G.Abashidze, D.Tsverava).
- Production of Polymer Concrete Composition Effective in Underground Agressive Medium. Proceedings of 18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2018, volume 18, SGEM Series International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM, Nano, Bio and Green - Technologies for a Sustainable Future, Issue 1.6, Micro and Nano Technologies, Space Technologies and Planetary Science, 2 July- 8 July, 2018. Albena, Bulgaria. pp. 409-416 (co-authors: G. Abashidze, D. Tsverava).
- Study of Impact Mine Blast on Armond Vehicle Occupants by Physical Modeling. World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2018), 03-07 September, 2018 - Prague, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 221, 2019 (co-authors: N.Bochorishvili, I.Akhvlediani, E.Mataradze).
- Performance Test Results of the New System for Mitigating the Effect of Accidential Explosions. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Protective Structures (ICPS5 2018), Poznan, Poland, August 20-24, 2018 (co-authors: E.Matardze, M.Chikhradze, T.Krauthammer).
- The Synthesis of Phenyl Acetylene Phenols for Development of New Explosives. World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2017), IOP Publishing (co-authors: M.Nadirashvili, S.Khomeriki, I.Varshanidze)
- Elaboration of the Charge Constructions of Explosives for the Structure of Facing Stone. World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2017), IOP Publishing (co-authors: E.Mataradze, S.Khomeriki, M.Losaberidze, D.Khomeriki, G.Shatberashvili)
- Assessment of detonation ability of explosives prepared from utilized ammunition. 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference (SGEM 2017), Conference proceedings, Volume 17, Issue 41 (co-authors: S.Khomeriki, D.Khomeriki, S.Khvedelidze)
- Hybrid system for attenuation of shock wave and fire in tunnels. 6th International Conference on Design and analysis of Protective Structures (DAPS 2017) (co-authors: E.Mataradze, T.Krauthammer)
- Protection concept and design system for mitigating effect of terrorist and accidental explosions in underground structures. 17th International Symposium on Interaction of the Effects of Munitions with Structures, 2017 (co-authors: E.Mataradze, M.Chikhradze, T.Krauthammer)
- Experimental study of the effect of water mist location on blast overpressure attenuation in a shock tube. World Multidisciplinary Earth Science Symposium (WIMESS 2017), 11-15 September, 2017. Prague, Grech Republic. (co-authors: E.Mataradze, N.Bochorishvili, D.Tatishvili)
- Methane explosion mitigation in coal mines by water mist. World Multidisciplinary Earth Science Symposium (WIMESS 2017), 11-15 September, 2017. Prague, Grech Republic. (co-authors: E. Mataradze, T.Krauthammer, Z.Mansurov, E.Alyev)
- The role of endogenous oxygen in explosives. "Mining Journal", N2(39), Tbilisi, 2017. pp. 58-61. (co-authors: M.Nadirashvili, S.Khomeriki, A.Khvadagiani, G.Bakhutashvili, I.Varshanidze)
- Penolic Explosives. "Mining Journal", N1(38), Tbilisi, 2017. pp. 118-126. (co-authors: S.Khomeriki, M.Nadirashvili, S.Khvedelidze, A.Aptsiauri, G.Tkhelidze).
- Synthesis and Explosive Consolidation of Titanium, Aluminium, Boron and Carbon Containing Powders . 2016 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci., 44 (2016) 052014, doi:10.1088/1755-1315/44/5/052014 (co-authors: M.Chikhradze, G.Oniashvili, F.D.S Marquis)
- Fabrication of Ultrafine Grained Composites by Mechanical Alloying and Dynamic Consolidation of Powders 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2016,, SGEM2016 Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-619-7105-68-1/ISSN 1314-2704, June 28 - July 6, 2016, Book6 Vol. 1, 119-126 pp. (co-authors: G.Abashidze, M.Chikhradze, A. Gigineishvili, G.Mestvirishvili) DOI: 10.5593/SGEM2016/B61/S24.016
- Multifunctional device for explosion detection. Proceedings of the 8th World Conference on Explosives and Blasting. Lyon, France, 2015 (co-authors: E. Mataradze, M. Chikhradze, N.Bochorishvili, Sh. Marjanishvili).
- Hybrid fiber and nanopowder reinforced composites for wind turbine blades. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2015 (co-authors: G.Abashidze, F.Marquis)
- The properties of basalt rocks of Georgian deposits and the fibers obtained from them. 14th International multidisciplinary scientific geoconference & expo SGEM 2014, Bulgaria, 17-26 June, 2014, Vol II. pp. 393-400 (co-authors: G.Abashidze, G.Pkhaladze, D.Tsverava) DOI: 10.5593/SGEM2014/B62/S26.051
- Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites for Lightweight Structures. Advanced Lightweight Structures and Reflector Antennas. pp. 306-315. Tbilisi, Georgia, 2014 (co-authors: G.Abashidze, G.Baliashvili, G.Pkhaladze, D.Tsverava).
- Syntheses of bulk nanostructured materials in dynamic conditions. 3RD International Conference "Nanotechnologies", October 20-24, 2014, pp. 25 (co-authors: G.Abashidze, F.Marquis, A.Gigineishvili, M. Chikhradze)
- Investigation of Polymer Composites for Wind Turbines Blades. Book: Recent Advances in Composite Materials for Wind Turbine Blades. Chapter 11, Dr. Brahim Attaf (Ed.), ISBN 978-0-9889190-0-6, The World Academic Publishing Co.Ltd, Advances in Materials Science and Applications (WAP-AMSA), 2013. pp.195-205 (co-author G.Abashidze) .
- Ecological aspects of using industrial explosives made on the basis of utilized ammunition. 13th international multidisciplinary scientific Geoconference SGEM 2013. Geoconference of energy and clean technologies. 2013, June, 16-22. pp.341-348 (сo-authors: S.Khomeriki, R.Mikhelson, F.Khvadagiani, D.Supatashvili).
- Computer modeling of technological processes in underground mining of manganese ore. 13th SGEM GeoConference on Science and Technologies In Geology, Exploration and Mining, SGEM2013 Conference Proceedings, 2013, Vol. 1, 349 - 356 pp (co-authors: E. Mataradze, G. Tabatadze, N. Bochorishvili).
- Bulk Nanostructured Materials Obtained by Shock Waves Compaction of Ultrafine Titanium and Aluminium. 2nd International Conference on Ultrafine Grained & Nanostructured Materials (UFGNSM), International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 5 (2012), pp.391–399, World Scientific Publishing Company, 08.12.13(co-authors: C.Politis, M.Chikhradze, G.Oniashvili), DOI: 10.1142/S2010194512002279.
- Shock energy absorber for protection underground structure from internal explosions.Proceeding of 15th International Symposium on Interaction of the Effects of Munitions with Structures, Sept. 17-20, 2013 Federal Office of Bundeswehr. P 95 (co-authors: E. Mataradze, T. Kraudhammer).
- Consolidation of Nanocrytalline Si by Shock Waves. TMS 2013 Proceeding “The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society p. 171 (co-authors: A. Gigineishvili, M. Chikhradze, B. Godibadze).
- Development and Performance of New Gadolinium and Boron Containing Radiation-Absorbing Composite Systems. JOM, June 2013, Volume 65, Issue 6, pp. 728-738 (co-authors: G.Abashidze, F.Marquis, L.Qurdadze) DOI: 10.1007/s11837-013-0604-5.
- Composite materials reinforced by Basalt and Carbon Hybrid Fibers. TMS2013 Supplemental Proceedings. Published Online: 25 FEB 2013, (сo-authors: G.Abashidze, L. Japaridze) DOI: 10.1002/9781118663547.ch67.
- Stabilization and Reinforcing of the Polyolefins. Proceedings, 12 Int. Multidisciplinary scientific Geoconference. Albena, Bulgaria, 2012 (co-authors: L. Japaridze, G.Abashidze).
- “Composite materials reinforced by Basalt and Carbon Hybrid Fibers”, Int. Conf. “Modern Technologies and Methods of Inor. Mat. Sci.” Proceedings. Tbilisi, pp.323-337, 2012 (co-authors: L. Japaridze, G.Abashidze, G.Pkhaladze)
- "Properties of basalt Plastics and of composites Reinforced by Hybrid Fibers in Operating Conditions" in book: “Composites and Their Applications” Edited by Ning Hu, ISBN 978-953-51-0706-4, In Tech, Chapter 10, pp.221-246, 2012 (co-authors: L. Japaridze, G.Abashidze) DOI: 10.5772/48289.
- Designing of water mist Generator for attenuation of shock wave in Tunnels - International conference "Design and Analysis of Protective Structures"- collection of works, Korea, 19-22, June, 2012 (co-authors: E.Mataradze, T.Krauthammer, E.Chagelishvili, N.Bochorishvili, I.Akhvlediani)
- MC Calculation of Optimal Gd and B Containing Composition For Effective Protection From Gamma and Neutron Irradiation, TMS2011 Supplemental Proceedings. Volume3: General Paper Selections TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Material Society), San Diego, 2011 (co-authors: L.Kurdadze, G.Abashidze).
- Optimization of Gd and B containing Composition for Application in Extreme Condition, 11th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geo Conference SGEM 2011, v.1, pp.149-158 (co-authors: L.Kurdadze, G.Abashidze) DOI:10.5593/SGEM2011/S19.101.
- Explosive Fabrication of Intermetallics In TiAl System from Nano Al and Coarse Ti Powders. Published by the American Institute of Physics, 2011 (co-authors: A.Gigineishvili, M. Chikhradze).
- Hot shock wave synthesis and treatment of artificial diamonds. "Mining Journal", N1(24), Tbilisi, 2010. pp. 64-68. (co-authors: E. Chagelishvili, A.Peikrishvili, M.Tsiklauri, B.Godibadze).
- Results of Bench Testing of a New Automatic System for Protection People and Underground Facilities from Internal Explosions. Materials of the Third International Conference on Design and Analysis of Protective Structures, 10-12 May, 2010, Singapore. pp.263-270 (co-authors: E. Mataradze, T. Krauthammer, E. Chagelishvili).
- Influence of Liquid Phase Concentration on Shock Wave Attenuation in Tunnels. Proceedings of the 21th International Symposium on Military Aspects of Blast and Shock, October 3-8, 2010, Jerusalem, Israel (co-authors: E. Mataradze, T. Krauthammer, E. Chagelishvili).
- A Shock Wave Absorber: The Device and Mathematical Model. Proceedings of the 10th International MultidisciplinaryScientific Geoconference, June 20-26, 2010, pp.349-356 (co-authors: I. Lomidze, E. Mataradze, T. Krauthammer).
- Hot explosive coating steel surfaces by diamond containing WC-CO alloys. Journal: L.P.P.L. "Grigol Tsulukidze Mining Institute", Works, 2010. pp: 72-76 (co-authors: E. Chagelishvili, M.Tsiklauri, A.Peikrishvili, B.Godibadze).
- Hot explosive Jacketing and Strengthening of Tungsten Heavy and Hard Alloy Rods. Shock-Assisted Materials Synthesis and Processing:Science, Innovations, and Industrial Implementation, Moscow: TORUS PRESS Ltd., 2008. p.97 (co-authors: A.Peikrishvili, L.J. Kecskes, E. Chagelishvili).
- Hot explosive consolidation of Tungsten-Metallic Glass Matrix Composites. Shock-Assisted Materials Synthesis and Processing: Science, Innovations, and Industrial Implementation, Moscow: TORUS PRESS Ltd., 2008. p.44 (co-authors: A.Peikrishvili, L.J. Kecskes).
- Basalt reinforced plastics: Some operating properties. Materials Science Forum (Volumes 561-565 (PART 1), 2007. pp. 671-674 (co-authors: G.Abashidze, F. D. S. Marquis) 10.4028/
- Shock-wave compacting of a Fe-Ni-Al powder mixture and its study. The Physics of Metals and Metallography, 2006, Vol. 102, No. 5, pp. 578–581 (co-authors: F.Kh. Akopov, V.M. Gabuniya, G.I. Mamniashvili, G.S. Martkoplishvili, G.Sh. Oniashvili, A.Peikrishvili).
- Issues of Localization of Effects of Accidental and Terrorist Explosions in Underground Structures. Proceedings of the International Symposium of Interaction of the Effects of Munitions with Structures, ISIEMS 12.1, 18-21 September, 2007. Orlando, USA. pp. 76-77 (co-authors: T.Krauthammer, E. Chagelishvili and E. Mataradze).
- System for Protecting People and Underground Facilities from Internal Terrorist Explosions. Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference "Design and Analysis of Protective Structures 2006", Section 2, Underground Facilities, 13-15 November 2006, Singapore (co-authors: E.Mataradze, T.Krauthammer, E. Chagelishvili).
- Frequency Analysis of Electromagnetic Radiation from small Explosive Charges in Tunnels. Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference "Design and Analysis of Protective Structures 2006", Section 2. Underground Facilities, 13-15 November 2006, Singapore (co-authors: E. Mataradze, T.Krauthammer, E. Chagelishvili, et al.).
- Hot explosive coating steel surfaces by diamond containing WC-Co Alloys. World Congress, Vienna, Austria 17-21 October 2004. pp. 71-73 (co-author E. Chagelishvili).
- Hot Explosive Compaction of Aluminum-Nickelide Composites. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Volume 35A, March 2004, pp. 1125-1131 (co-authors: L. Kecskes, S. Szewczyk, A.Peikrishvili).
- Processing of Aluminium Nickelides by Hot Explosive Consolidation. International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis, Volume 13, Number 1, 2004. pp. 79-91 (co-authors: L. Kecskes, R. Woodman, A.Peikrishvili).
- Методика определения параметров ж/б анкерного крепления сучетом технологии сооружения автодорожного тоннеля. Материалы международной конференции в Сочи, 2003. pp. 33-34 (co-authors: A.Peikrishvili, L.Kecskes,L.Japaridze).
- Theoretical Calculations of the Stressed-Deformed state of Powder Materials. PM2TEC 2002, Metal Powder Industries Federation, Orlando, Florida, June 20, 2002 (co-authors: L.Japaridze, A.Peikrishvili, Z.Chikviladze, I.Lomidze).
- Exothermic Reactions in Hot-Explosively Consolidated Al-Ni Composites. PM2TEC 2002, Metal Powder Industries Federation, Orlando, Florida, June 20, 2002 (co-authors: L.Kecskes, S.Szewczyk, A.Peikrishvili).
- Explosive consolidation of wc-co base powders in hot condition. European Conference on Hard Materials and Diamond Tooling, 2002. pp. 80-81 (co-authors: A.Peikrishvili, A.Dgebuadze, Z.Chikviladze, E. Chagelishvili).
- Calculation of Components of Stress Tensor Under the Axis-Symmetric Dynamic Compression of the Sample by the Pressure Impulse of Cylindrical Symmetry. Powder Materials: Current Research and Industrial Practices, Proceedings of the Symposium Sponsored by the Powder Materials Committee of The Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division (MPMD) of TMS, Indianapolis, 2001 (co-authors: F.D.S. Marquis, K.Staudhammer).
- Hot Consolidation of Boron Base Powders and Investigation of Their Structure/ Property Relationship. Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials- 2000, PM2TEC’2000, New York, 2000 (co-author A.Peikrishvili).
- New Experimental Method for Consolidation some Refractory and Nonmetallic Powders. J.Rhys IV France 7 (1997), pp.67-72.Novel Material Fabrication by Hot Explosive Compaction. International Conference On Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials, PM2TEC’99, Vancouver, 1999 (co-authors: L.Kecskes, A.Peikrishvili).
- WC-Co Hard Alloy coating Obtained by Hot shock Wave Treatment. In book: "Advanced in Powder Mettalurgy & Particulate Materials", complied by M.Cadle, K.S.Narasimhan, vol. 1, part 5, 1996. pp.63-71.
- Hot Shock Wave Compacting Heavy and Hard Alloy Powder. "Advanced in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials", 1996, vol. 1, part 5, pp.25-35.
- The Influence of Preheating Temperature on Shock Wave Consolidation of Diamond Containing Powders. In book "Metallurgical and Materials Application of Shock Wave High-Strain-Rate Phenomena", edited by L.E.Murr, K.P.Staudhammer, M.A.Meyers. ELSEVIER, 1995. pp.125-132.
- Possibility of Obtaining Combines Samples from Tungsten Based Alloys by High Temperature Shock Wave Treatment. In book: "Metallurgical and Materials Application of Shock Wave High-Strain-Rate Phenomena", edited by L.E.Murr, K.P.Staudhammer, M.A.Meyers, ELSEVIER 1995. pp.99-108.
- Importance of Preheating at Dynamic Consolidation of Some Hard Materials. In book: "Shock Waves and High-Strain-Rate Phenomena in Materials", edited by M.A.Meyers, L.E.Murr, K.P.Staudhammer, 1990. pp.463-472.
- Deformation of Heavy Alloys at High Temperatures. In book: "Shock Waves and high-strain-Rate Phenomena in Materials", edited by M.A.Meyers, L.E.Murr, K.P.Staudhammer, Marcel Dekker Inc., 1990. pp.223-229.
- Explosive Working of Some Metals and Alloys at High Temperature. Marcel Dekker, Inc, 1986. pp. 905-915 (co-author A. Peikrishvili).
Inventions and patents:
- "Explosion protection system" -US Patent 10,252,092 B2, 2018 (Co-authors: E.Mataradze, T.Krauthammer);
- ”Method for Hard Alloys Hardening by Explosion”. Patent SU1770085, October 23, 1992 (co-authors: L.Japaridze, E.Chagelishvili, A.Peikrishvili, G.Gotsiridze).
- ”Method of Production of Material from Refractory Powders”. Patent SU1731438, January 8, 1992 (co-authors: L.Japaridze, A.Peikrishvili, G.Gotsiridze).
- "The Method of explosive coating of Insert Surfaces of Cylindrical samples by refractory and Ceramic Materials". Patent of USSR No 1732573, from January 8, 1992.
Participation in Scientific Grant Projects:
- FR-21-6556 "Syntheses of Nanstructured High Entropy Materials by Mechanical Alloying and Adiabatic Explosion Consolidation of W/WC-Co- FeNi-Al-Ti/TiC-B4C powders" (2022-2025) - Principal Investigator; Donor Organization: Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (SRNSF);
- CARYS-19-2329 -Development of the innovative manufacturing technology for production of natural pigments on a base of local raw material and the outcomes commercialization (2020-2021) - Principal Investigator; Donor Organization: Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (SRNSF);
- CARYS-19-836 "Development of shock resistant and biodegradable polymeric composites and provision of a technology transfer" - Principal Investigator G.Abashidze (2020-2021)- Donor Organization: Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (SRNSF);
- SPS 984595 ”Protection of Underground Structures from Fuel Cloud Explosions” (July, 2014 - July, 2017) - Donor Organization: NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme;
- #31/82 ”Synthesis of Bulk Nanostructured Materials in Ti-Al-Ni System by Explosive Consolidation” (2014-2017) - Donor Organization: Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (SRNSF);
- #p552 "Fabrication of novel nanostructural Cu-Ta and Ag-Ta composites with improved electronic and strength properties"(2013-2015) - Donor Organization: U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)/Science & Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU);
- #p506 "Development of Novel Cylindrical Container for Storage Nuclear Waste and Nuclear Fuel"(2013-2015) - Donor Organization: U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)/Science & Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU);
- #1–7/57 "Fabrication of Radiation Absorption Composite Materials by Shock Wave Compaction Technology" (2010-2012) - Donor Organization: Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (SRNSF) (2010-2012);
- #p446 "Fabrication novel nanostructural Cu-W compositions with improved electronic properties"(1.10.2010-1.10.2011) - Donor Organization: Science & Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU);
- #4996 -"Fabrication of Si-Ge-Nanostructure Alloys by Explosive-Compaction-Technology and Development of Energy-Efficient Thermoelectric Batteries on their Base"(2009-2011) - Donor Organization: Georgian National Science Foundation/Science & Technology Center in Ukraine (GNSF/STCU);
- #3631 "Advanced low wind speed small turbine with adaptive aeroelastic blades made of composite high-modulus"(2006-2008) - Donor Organization: Science & Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU);
- #3921 “Development of Innovative SHS-Thermal Explosion Technology for Production of Ti-Al Single-Phase Nanostructured Materials”(2006-2008) - Donor Organization: Science & Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU);
- SfP 980981 "System for Protecting People and Underground Facilities from Internal Terrorist Explosion" (20.07.2005-1.12.2010) - Donor Organization: NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme;
- #G-1096 "Industrial Explosives on the Basis of Utilized Ammunition" (01.10.2004-2007) -Donor Organization: International Science and Technology Foundation (ISTC);
- #3265 - “Fabrication New Functionally Gradient Materials (FGM) by Self-Propagated High-Temperature Synthesis Technology” (2004-2006) - Donor Organization: Science & Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU);
- #GE-70 “Development and Manufacture of Experimental Specimen of Complex High-effective Desalination Installation”(2004-2006) - Donor Organization: Science & Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU);
- #G-762 -"Structural Materials with High Absorbing Properties" (2003-2006)- Donor Organization: International Science and Technology Foundation (ISTC);
- #GE2-2532-TB-03 "Novel Materials Fabrication from Nanocrystalline W-Cu Powders"(1.12.2003-2005) - Donor Organization: CRDF Cooperative Grants Program (CGP);
- #G-136 "Shock-Wave Technology for Antifrictional Coatings" (1999-2001) - Donor Organization: International Science and Technology Foundation (ISTC);
- #05/096 “Explosive Consolidation and Fabrication of Boron Based composites with high absorbing properties" (1998-1999) - Donor Organization: International Association for the promotion of co-operation with scientists from the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union (INTAS)
Participation in Scientific Forums (conferences):
- 8th World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium August 28 - September 1, 2023, Prague, Czech Republic: "New concept of multifunctional detector for explosion and irradiation identification“; "Fabrication of protective composite structures by infusion technology to resist the blast wave“; „Stabilization of slopes vulnerable to landslides through tubular anchors“.
- 23nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2023, 02 - 11 July, 2023, Albena, Bulgaria: “Shock-wave Syntheses of High Entropy Alloys in Fe-W-Al-Ti-Ni-B-C Systems”; "“Syntheses and Characterization of Amino Acid, Eco-Friendly Materials"
- Twelfth Japanese-Mediterranean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting, Multifunctional and Nanomaterials (JAPMED’12), 17-20 July, 2023: "Explosion Syntheses of High Entropy Alloys in Fe-W-Al-Ti-Ni–B-C System".
- The 6th International Conference on Protective Structures (ICPS6). Auburn University, AL, USA, May 14 – 17, 2023: „Experimental Studies of the Explosion Resistance of Steel Plate with Energy-Absorbing Layers“ .
- SIPS2023, 7th Intl Symposium on New & Advanced Materials and Technologies for Energy, Environment, Health and Sustainable Development, November 27-December 1, 2023, Panama: “System for Detection the Treats From Explosions, Fires and Toxic Gases in Tunnels”.
- 22nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2022, 04 - 10 July, 2022, Albena, Bulgaria: "Experimental Testing of Fiber Based Structures for Protection of Steel Sheets from Explosive Wave".
- 21st SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, 26 June - 5 July, 2021, Albena, Bulgaria: 1. Study of Possibility of Natural Pigments Production on a Base of Unprofitable Iron Deposits and Development of Technologies; 2. Biodegradable Polymer Composite Materials with High Mechanical Properties.
- 7th World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2021), September 6-10, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic. 1. "Mining Waste Complex Research and Development of Technologies for their Use in Georgia"; 2. The Improvement of Picric Acid Synthesis Methodology; 3. "Influence of the Droplet Velocity on the Attenuation of Overpressures in a Water Mist".
6th World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium 7-11 September 2020, Prague, Czech Republic; “Study of the explosive properties of a hybrid mixture of methane and coal dust”;
6th World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium 7-11 September 2020, Prague, Czech Republic; “Assessment of Impact and Ballistic Resistance of Some Types of Organoplastics”;
- World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2018), 03-07 September, 2018 - Prague;
- 5th International Conference on Protective Structures (ICPS5 2018), Poznan, Poland, August 20-24, 2018;
- Explosive Fabrication of Bulk Ti-Ni-Al Nanocomposites. 6th Szeged International Workshop on Advances in Nanoscience (SIWAN6), 15–18 October, 2014, Szeged, Hungary;
- HYBRID FIBER AND NANOPOWDER REINFORCED COMPOSITES FOR WIND TURBINE BLADES. ABM-TSM Second Pan American Materials Conference, July 21-25, 2014, San Paolo, Brazil.
Additional information:
- Member of Georgian Engineering Academy;
- Member of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS, a member of the American Institute of
Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers); - Member of ASM;
- Holder of State Stipend of Georgia;
- Member of Edittorial Board of 5 Scientific Periodic Journals, including "Mining Jounal", Georgia