Mining Laboratory

Nika Bochorishvili
Head of Laboratory, Chief Researcher
7, E. Mindeli Str.
Phone.:+(995 32) 2963857
2003-2007 – Georgian Technical University, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Mining Engineer
Trainings (Workshops):
- 23.06.2017-24.07.2015 - Human Resources Management, Training Center, Caucasus School of Bussiness, Tbilisi;
- 2017 - High-Speed Digital Imaging Techniques Blast Impact Measurement Educational Workshop, Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center, New Mexico Tech, USA
Professional experience record:
2007 - up to date - G.Tsulukidze Mining Institute
Selected publications:
- Study of the explosive properties of a hybrid mixture of methane and coal dust. AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2928, 170009-1–170009-8, 2023 (co-authors: N.Chikhradze, E.Mataradze, Sh. Marjanishvili).
- Perfection of methods for protecting from accidental and terrorist explosions. Mining Journal, №1(44), Tbilisi, 2021. pp. 49-56 (co-authors: E.Mataradze, M.Chikhradze, I.Akhvlediani, K.Tavlalashvili, D.Tatishvili, Z.Malvenishvili).
Study of the explosive properties of a hybrid mixture of methane and coal dust. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 609; 2020 (Co-author: N.Chikhradze).
“Experimental Study of the Shock Wave Attenuation in the Water Mist with Air Gaps”. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 609. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/609/1/012099 IOP Publishing; 2020 (Co-authors: E.Mataradze, M.Chikhradze, K. Tavlalashvili, I. Akhvlediani, D. Tatishvili, Z. Malvenishvili).
“Mitigation effects a water barrier on dynamic loads on the humanbody at explosions”. IOP Conference Series. Earth and Environmental Sciences 2019, Prague (Czech Republic). (Co-authors: E. Mataradze, N. Chikhradze, K. Tavlalishvili, M. Chikhradze, I. Akhvlediani);
“Exsplosion suppression in limited spaces”. IOP Conference Series. Earth and Environmental Sciences 2019, Prague (Czech Republic). (Co-authors: I. Akhvlediani, E. Mataradze, N. Chikhradze, K. Tavlalishvili, M. Chikhradze);
- On trends in the world coal mining and safety in mines. Mining Journal, N1(42), Tbilisi, 2019. pp.122-126 (co-author: T.Pirtskhalava);
- On the restoration of territories mining works. Mining Journal, N1(42), Tbilisi, 2019. pp.69-74 (co-authors: L.Khimshiashvili, M.Basiladze, N.Chigladze);
- The ipmact of water mist thickness on shock wave attenuation. World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS), 03-07 September, 2018. Prague, Czech Republic (Co-authors: E.Mataradze, M.Chikhradze, K.Tavlalashvili,I.Akhvlediani);
- Study of impact mine Blast on armord vehicle occupants by physical modeling. World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS), 03-07 September, 2018. Prague, Czech Republic. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 221, 2019 (Co-authors: E.Mataradze, I.Akhvlediani, N.Chikhradze);
- Bentonite clays of Georgia and sphere of their application. Mining Journal, N2(41), Tbilisi, 2018. pp.86-90 (co-authors: G.Kapanadze, S.Demetrashvili G.Japaridze, K.Asabashvili);
- Experimental study of the effect of water mist location on blast overpressure attenuation in a shock tube. World Multidisciplinary Earth Science Symposium (WIMESS 2017), 11-15 September, 2017. Prague, Grech Republic. (Co-authors: E.Mataradze, N.Chikhradze, D.Tatishvili);
- On the protection of the environment in the field andesite of Bakuriani. Mining Journal, N1(38), Tbilisi, 2017. pp.230-231 (co-authors:T.Pirtskhalava);
- Arsenic-important Mineral. Mining Journal, N1(38), Tbilisi, 2017. pp.57-71 (co-authors: G.Kapanadze, S.Demetrashvili, G.Japaridze);
- Mining technical and economic analysis of Bakuriani Tsikhisjvari andesite deposit. Mining Journal, N1(36), Tbilisi, 2016. pp.120-124 (co-authors: G.Kapanadze, I.Erqomaishvili, M.Basiladze);
- Multifunctional device for explosion detection. Proceedings of the 8th World Conference on Explosives and Blasting. Lyon, France, 2015 (co-authors: E. Mataradze, M. Chikhradze, N. Chikhradze, Sh. Marjanishvili);
- Development of Device for Identification Explosions and Fires. Proceedings of the Signal Processing Symposium. Dobe, Poland, 2015 (co-authors: E. Mataradze, M. Chikhradze, K. Tavlalishvili, Sh. Marjanishvili);
- Hazard analysis due to the influence of the strong fires in the road tunnels. Mining Journal, N1(32), Tbilisi, 2014. pp.89-92 (co-authors: O.Lanchava, G.Nozadze, Z.Lebanidze, N.Arudashvili);
- Improvement of processing design methods of manganese ore layers by using the economic-mathematical modeling. Mining Journal, N2(33), Tbilisi, 2014. pp.31-34 (co-authors: E. Mataradze, T.Akhvlediani, G.Tabatadze);
- Computer modeling of technological processes in underground mining of manganese ore. 13th SGEM GeoConference on Science and Technologies In Geology, Exploration and Mining, SGEM2013 Conference Proceedings, 2013, Vol. 1, 349 - 356 pp (co-authors: E. Mataradze, N. Chikhradze, G. Tabatadze);
- Study and processing of the signals generated in tunnels. Proceedings: "Signal Processing Symposium", Poland (co-authors: M. Chikhradze, E. Mataradze, Sh. Marjanishvili, I. Akhvlediani) DOI: 10.1109/SPS.2013.6623585;
- Analysis of technological schemes of underground mining of manganese ore by applying computer modeling" - Mining Journal, N2(29), Tbilisi, 2012. pp.20-24;
- Designing of water mist Generator for attenuation of shock wave in Tunnels" - International conference "Design and Analysis of Protective Structures" - collection of works, Korea, 19-22 June, 2012 (co-authors: E.Mataradze, T.Krauthammer, N.Chikhradze, E.Chagelishvili, I.Akhvlediani);
- Wireless system for explosion detection in underground structures. Photonics Applications in Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments, Vol. 7502, 2009 (co-authors: M.Chikhradze, I.Akhvlediani, D.Kukhalashvili, I.Kalichava, E.Mataradze)
Participation in Scientific Grant Projects:
1. YS-19-421 "Coal dust influence on methane mixture explosion". Donor: Shota Rustaveli National Since Foundation (SRNSF) - Principal Investigator (10.12.2019-10.12.2021);
2. CARYS-19-668 - Mining Waste Complex Research and Development of Technologies for Their Use (2020-2021) - Principal Investigator; Donor: Shota Rustaveli National Since Foundation;
3. FR17-471 "Explosion Energy mitigation methods search and satety systems projects parameters estimation". Donor: Shota Rustaveli National Since Foundation (SRNSF) - Key personal (19.12.2017-19.12.2020);
4. ISTC #G-2209 „Automated System for Protection from Accidental Explosions in Underground Structures“. Participating institute: Kazakh National University / Combustion Problems Institute, Kazakstan, Almaty –International Science and Technology Center – Executor (2016- 2019);
5. SPS 984595 ”Protection of Underground Structures from Fuel Cloud Explosions” - NATO Science for Peace Programme (with the Center for Infrastructure Protection and Physical Security, University of Florida) - Executor (2014-2017);
6. SRNSF #31/82 ”Synthesis of Bulk Nanostructured Materials in Ti-Al-Ni System by Explosive Consolidation” - Shota Rustaveli National Since Foundation - Executor (2013-2016);
7. SRNSF D-13/02 „Design of Integrated Wireless System for the Detection of Accidental and Terrorist Explosions and/or Fires in Tunnels“ - Shota Rustaveli National Since Foundation - Executor - (20.12.2012 -20.12.2014).
Participation in Scientific Forums (conferences):
- SIPS2023, 7th Intl Symposium on New & Advanced Materials and Technologies for Energy, Environment, Health and Sustainable Development, November 27-December 1, 2023, Panama: “System for Detection the Treats From Explosions, Fires and Toxic Gases in Tunnels”.
- 9th International Scientific-Practical Conference on Up-to-date Problems of Mining and Geology "THE DEVELOPMENT OF MINING AND GEOLOGY IS THE PRECONDITION FOR THE REVIVAL OF ECONOMY', September 28-29, 2023. "Experimental Laboratory Study of Underground Gasification of Tkibuli-Shaori Deposit Coals".
- 6th International Scientific-Practical Conference on Up-to-date Problems of Mining and Geology, Tbilisi, 24-25 September, 2020. 1. "STUDY OF THE EXPLOSIVE PROPERTIES OF A HYBRID MIXTURE OF METHANE AND COAL DUST"; 2. FOR TKIBULI-SHAORI DEPOSIT UNDERGROUND COAL GASIFICATION METHOD USAGE".
- 6th World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium 7-11 September 2020, Prague, Czech Republic. 1. “Experimental Study of the Shock Wave Attenuation in the Water Mist with Air Gaps”; 2. “Study of the explosive properties of a hybrid mixture of methane and coal dust”.
- World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium - WMESS 2019, Prague (Czech Republic), 8-13 September, 2019.
- World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium, WMESS 2016, Prague, Czech Republic, September 5-9, 2016.;
- International Conference „Modern researches and prospects of their Use in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Related Fields“, Ureki, Georgia, September 21-23, 2016. Paper: "Integrated System for Detection of Chemical Plants from Accidental Explosions and Fires".
- The 2nd Scientific Conference: „Actual Problems of Mining and Geology“, December 11, 2015, Tbilisi, G.Tsulukidze Mining Institute. Paper: "Wireless System for Detection Accidental and Terrorist Explosions".
- 23rd World Mining Congress (WMC), 2013 Montreal, Canada, 11-15 August, 2013. Paper: "System for Protecting People from Methane Explosion in Coal Mines".
- 15th International Symposium on the Interaction of the Effects of Munitions with Structures (ISIEMS 15), Potsdam, Germany, 16-20 September, 2013. Paper: ”Shock Energy Absorber for Protection Underground Structure from Internal Explosions”.2