Engineering and Geology Research Group

Giorgi Baliashvili
Chief Researcher
7, E. Mindeli st.
Phone.:(+995 32) 232 61 82
1967-1972 - Moscow Mining Institute, mining engineer;
1975-1978 - G.Tsulukidze Institute of Mining Mechanic, Physical processes, postgraduate student;
1984 - Candidate of Technical Sciences
Professional experience record:
1972-1975 - USSR Ministry of Coal Mining Industry, Mine „Nagradskaya“, Engineer-Researcher;
1975-up to date - G.Tsulukidze Mining Institute
- Study of the properties of rocks and building materials (concrete), quality control and warrant
Selected publications:
- On the factors of harmful effects on concrete. Mining Journal, №1(46), Tbilisi, 2023. pp.106-109 (Co-author: N.Sarjveladze);
- Concrete Weting-Drying Method Research-improvement. Georgian Engineering News, (vol. 89), Tbilisi, 2019. pp. 63-66 (Co-authors: F.Bezhanov, N.Sarjveladze, T.Rukhadze, L.Tkemaladze);
- Overview and analysis of the influence of wetting-drying cycles on concrete properties. Georgian Engineering News, (vol. 89), Tbilisi, 2019. pp. 71-73 (Co-authors: F.Bezhanov, N.Sarjveladze, T.Rukhadze, L.Tkemaladze);
- Correlation dependence between the characteristics of the physical-mechanical properties of rocks. Georgian Engineering News, (vol. 89), Tbilisi, 2019. pp. 67-70 (Co-authors: F.Bezhanov, N.Sarjveladze, T.Rukhadze, L.Tkemaladze);
- Production of reinforced polymer concrete and research of its main physical-mechanical properties. "Mining Journal" N1(42), Tbilisi, 2019. pp:110-114 (Co-authors: D.Tsverava, S.Kvinikadze, F.Bezhanov, G.Abashidze);
- Overview of the methods of manufacturing of frost-resistant concrete. Georgian engineering news, No.2, 2018. pp.47-52 (Co-authors: N.Sarjveladze, E.Shapakidze);
- Characteristics of chemical admixtures for concrete. Georgian engineering news, No.2, 2018. pp.44-47 (Co-authors: N.Sarjveladze, L.Tkemaladze, T.Rukhadze);
- Modeling and analysis of space reflector antenna taking into conisderation extreme remperature of environment and other impacts. Proceedings - 3rd International Conference "Advanced Lightweight Structures and Reflector antennas", 19-21 sept. 2018, Tbilisi, Georgia. pp. 213-220, ISBN978-9941-8-0511-0 (Co-authors: E.Medzmariashvili, D.Pataraia, G.Nozadze, R.Maisuradze, K.Chkhikvadze, E.Tsotseria, G.Purtseladze)
- Correlation Relationship between the values of uniaxial compressive strength, density and the module of elasticity of sandstone and argillite from Tbilisi region. Georgian engineering news, No.1 (vol. 81), 2017. Pp.35-37 (Co-authors: N.Sarjveladze, L.Tkemaladze, T.Rukhadze, V.Djgamaia);
- Investigation for improvement of the method of testing the impact resistance of concrete. Georgian engineering news, No.1 (vol. 81), 2017. Pp.38-42 (co-authors: P.Bezhanov, N.Sarjveladze, B.Gotsadze);
- Basic Requirements to modern concrete mix design. Georgian engineering news, No.2 (vol. 82), 2017. Pp.102-106. (Co-authors: N.Sarjveladze, I.Gogolauri, I.Katamadze);
- Improvement in lightweight concrete technology. Georgian engineering news, No.2 (vol. 82), 2017. Pp.107-110 (Co-authors: N. Sarjveladze, I.Katamadze, V.Jgamaya);
- Correlation between the values of the basic physical and mechanical properties of rocks. Mining Journal, N1(38), Tbilisi, 2017. pp.172-178 (co-authors: N.Sarjveladze, B.Gotsadze, L.Tkemaladze);
- Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites for Lightweight Structures. Advanced Lightweight Structures and Reflector Antennas. pp. 306-315. Tbilisi, Georgia, 2014 (Co-authors: N. Chikhradze, G. Abashidze, G. Pkhaladze, D.Tsverava);
- Review, analysis and synthesis of researches on creep and shrinkage of concrete. Mining Journal, N2(33), Tbilisi, 2014. pp.74-78 (co-authors: D.Jibladze, T.Rukhadze);
- Selection of mineral raw material for fabrication environmentally sound composite fire-extinguishing. Journal: L.P.P.L. Grigol Tsulukidze Mining Institute, Works, 2010. pp. 51-55 (co-authors: L.Gurchumelia, F.Bezhanov, N.Sarjveladze, L.Tkemaladze);
- Comparison and improvement of indirect methods for establishment of the uncomfined compressive strength of hard rocks during uniaxial compression. Journal: L.P.P.L. Grigol Tsulukidze Mining Institute, Works, 2010. pp. 46-50 (co-authors: F.Bezhanov, R.Samadashvili, L.Gurchumelia, T.Rukhadze, N.Sarjveladze);
- Class, mark, of concrete comparing American and Russian standards of concrete strength relation. Mining Journal, №1(24), Tbilisi, 2010. pp.54-57 (co-authors: R.Samadashvili, T.Rukhadze, Z.Gaganidze, N.Sarjveladze, M.Eloshvili, I.Gogolauri);
- Methods of mechanical destruction of the rocks. Mining Journal, №1(22), Tbilisi, 2009. pp.20-21 (co-authors: F.Bezhanov, R.Samadashvili, L.Gurchumelia, T.Rukhadze, N.Sarjveladze, D.Robaqidze);
- Development of novel composite fire-extinguishing powders on the basis of mineral raw materials. Modeling, Monitoring and Management of Forest Fires 2008. First International Conference, University of Castilla – La Mancha, Spain. WIT Transaction on Ecology and the Environment, Vol. 119, 2008, WIT Press., ISSN 1743-3541; doi:10.2495/FIVA080071. pp. 61-67 (co-authors: L.Gurchumelia, F.Bezhanov, N.Sarjveladze);
- Perfection of the method of solid rock and concrete destruction. Mining Journal, №1(14), 2005. pp.38-41;
- The state of research problem of physical properties of rocks. Mining Journal, №2(9), Tbilisi, 2002. с. 51-53;
- Determination of some physical characteristics of rocks. Mining Journal, №1(3), Tbilisi, 1999. с. 28-29 (co-authors: F.Bezhanov, V.Nanitashvili, D.Toriashvili).
Participation in Scientific Forums (conferences):
- 2020 - 6th International Scientific-Practical Conference on Up-to-date Problems of Mining and Geology, Tbilisi, 24-25 September. "RESEARCH AND IMPROVEMENT OF IMPACT RESISTANCE METHOD";
- 2018 - 3rd International Conference "Advanced Lightweight Structures and Reflector antennas", 19-21 sept. 2018, Tbilisi, Georgia;
- 2016 - The 3d Scientific Conference „Actual Problems of Mining and Geology“, The correlation dependence of the Tbilisi region’s sandstone and argillite on monoaxial compression between limit strength, modulus of elasticity and stability values. LEPL G.Tsulukidze Mining Institute, December 9, Tbilisi, Georgia;
- 2014 - Conference “Advanced Lightweight Structures and Reflector Antennas”, Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites for Lightweight Structures, Tbilisi, Georgia;
- 2008 - First International Conference on “Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Forest Fires”, Castilla La Mancha, Spain Development of novel composite fire-extinguishing powders on the basis of mineral raw materials;
- 2005 - Scientific Conference dedicated to 75 anniversary of Chair of Building Constructions of GTU, Optium methods of rock failure with impact, Tbilisi, Georgia;
- 2007 - Conference: “Processing & Disposal of Minerals Industry Wastes’07”The ways of minimization of adverse effects of mining wastes on the black sea coast ecosystem. (in English), Falmouth, United Kingdom, June 14-15;
- 2002 - International Scientific-engineering Conference, Effect of longitudinal deformation’s velocity variations on rock strength and deformation at unixial compression, Tbilisi, Georgia.
Contract works:
More then 200 contractual works, including:
- Study of the physical-mechanical properties of rock samples taken from the open pit of Little Durnuki village Tetri Tskaro municipality;
- Study of physical and mechanical properties of rocks and grounds samples of the Akhaltsikhe-Batumi construction of electric transmission towers;
Additional information:
- 2015-up to date – Member of the Scientific Board of the LEPL G.Tsulukidze Mining Institute;
- Georgian Association of builder experts;
- Consultant of geotechnical survey of "Saqqalaqmshenproekti“;
- Manager of laboratory researches of hard- and semi hard-rocks of Georgia