High-Tech Materials Laboratory

Head of laboratory - Dr. of Phys.Math. Sc. Elguja Chagelishvili
მაღალტექნოლოგიური მასალების ლაბორატორია სტრუქტურულად შედის აფეთქების ტექნოლოგიების განყოფილებაში.
- DDI/28/3-195/14 - "Development and Fabrication of Novel Nanostructural Ta-Ag Composites by Hot Explosive Consolidation Technology" (17.04.2015 –17.04.2018). Donor: Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation;
- №A-2123 -"Combustion Synthesis and Characterization of W-CU Composite Nanomaterials" (1.01.2015–31.12.2016), Donor: The International Science and Technology Center (ISTC);
- STCU/DOE №P552 - „Fabrication of novel nanostructural Cu-Ta and Ag-Ta composites with improved electronic and strength properties“ (2013- 2015). Donor: Science & Technology Center in Uktraine (STCU) and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE);
- №31/78"Development of Novel Self-lubricating, Anti-frictional Materials Based on Cu-C Graphite Compositions” (24.04.2013-24.04.2015). Donor: Shota Rustaveli National Since Foundation (SRNSF);
- STCU/DOE №P506 - "Development of Novel Multilayer Cylindrical Container for Storage Nuclear Waste and Nuclear Fuel” (1.03.2013-1.03.2015). Donor: Science & Technology Center in Uktraine (STCU) and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE);
- STCU №P446 - "Fabrication novel nanostructural Cu-W compositions with improved eletronic properties". (1.10.2010-1.10.2011). Donor: Science & Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) & U.S Department of Energy (DOE);
- GNSF/STCU №4996"- Fabrication of Si-Ge-Nanostructure Alloys by Explosive-Compaction-Technology and Development of Energy-Efficient Thermoelectric Batteries on their Base" (2009-2011). Donor: Georgian National Since Foundation (GNSF) & Science & Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU);
- CIS/10/0004/CNTR - "Development of Industrial Technology and Fabrication of Bimetallic Products by Explosion Welding" (2009-2011). Donor: UK-RF Closed Nuclear Cities Partnership;
- CRDF, GNSF & GRDF BPG#03/09 "Fabrication of Bimetallic Electrical Contacts for the Anode Grounders by the Method of Explosion Welding"(2009). Donor: U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) Georgian National Since Foundation (GNSF) Georgian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF)